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honestly sometimes though, the objections to Rust for Linux seem to be "the queers are coming" as a lot of the talking points are very simular to homophobic talking points, but with gay/queer replaced with rust

"they are forcing their sexuality on us" becomes "they are forcing rust on us"... when they are not, its a layer maintained by the rust team

also getting a big vibe that Chris Doesn't even seen to be bothering to find out infomation

I'm considering offering free (encrypted) Borg backup space for marginalized creatures (mainly meant for personal stuff, space is somewhat limited, think tens of GB per user rather than hundreds) in two locations, NL and US.

Would anyone be interested in this? No availability guarantees but it's the same backup space that I use for my own stuff as well. Note that the server for the NL location is operated by a US company.

fedi meta, positive: 

Apparently, false alarm about, folks!
They don't hate antifa, the tag was auto-blocked due to spam.


This is not only extremely adorable, it also lends more credibility to Kropotkin's theory of mutual aid as a factor of evolution and shows that helping each other out is a fundamental part of the nature of not only humans, but also other animals

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TIL that mice perform first aid on each other, including an examination to try to find the cause, and clearing blocked airways

> Nice people made the best Nazis. Or so I've been told. My mother was born in Munich in 1934, and spent her childhood in Nazi Germany surrounded by nice people who refused to make waves. When things got ugly, the people my mother lived alongside chose not to focus on "politics", instead busying themselves with happier things. They were lovely, kind people who turned their heads as their neighbours were dragged away... You know who weren't nice people? Resisters.

(Naomi Shulman, 2016 )

People complain about 'leftist infighting' and how that supposedly means leftists can't get anything done but like, have you ever really looked at what the social dynamics within actual operating governments are like?

Because every time some story about it comes out, it sure sounds awfully similar.

I've said this over & over here and before that on Twitter:

Do not fucking use ableist slurs to describe willful fascists!

Fascists exterminate disabled people, including people who are actually insane instead of rhetorically "insane".

You cannot fight eugenicists with eugenicist rhetoric, even in "humor". It actually strengthens eugenics and ableism.

This goes double for any scientists perpetuating this claptrap. Think about the words you use, FFS! #Ableism #Fascism #Eugenics

can just one of the foss-oriented instances please Be Normal?

This makes it sound so easy and it's not, but remember that you don't have to save the world all alone. Millions of people all over the place, millions of people who never cared that much about politics are rising up right now demanding an end to all the nonsense. You can be a link in that chain - pull your weight and do whatever you have to do to avoid breaking under the pressure.

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Fighting fascism isn't just stopping nazi rallies and pushing the bastards out of the parliaments and courts. It's also about safeguarding the free press, science, and the labour movement. And if everyone does their little part where they stand and lift up each other's voices in solidarity, that's when you have a popular front. Doesn't take more than that. There's hope in despair and unity in chaos, mutually arising.

software development 

@joepie91 a lot of software meta feels extremely clinical for a lack of better wording.

Lots of focus on every step of the process except what it would work like outside a petri dish

Erm. Has anyone else had an email from Seamless.AI to an email they used to sign up to BrowserStack, "to inform you of the collection, processing, and sharing of your personal data."

There's an opt-out link but I don't trust it one bit.

Overigens, van de twee bedrijven die die subsidieaanvraag gedaan hebben, is er eentje een uitbater van matige webshops, en de andere is een spambedrijf ("SEO", "linkbuilding").

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Ze hebben de bullshitbingokaart in ieder geval wel vol.

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Ah ja, dus dit is nou waar overheidssubsidie voor 'innovatie' naartoe gaat:

"Het ambitieuze resultaat is een disruptieve wereldprimeur; een volledig functionerend en uitgetest AI-gedreven MaaS (Marketing as a service); een Big Data Platform dat alle diensten van de samenwerkingspartners geautomatiseerd en digitaal aanbiedt, waarbij de veiligheid en privacy goed beheerst kunnen worden d.m.v. Blockchain-achtige toepassingen en waarin processen grotendeels door AI worden aangestuurd en ML-toepassingen zorgen voor optimale output."


If you reply with this to someone on your Github issues tracker, after directing folks there:

Fuck you.

Seriously fuck you.

why is there a server software and license named after a people. that's like if I made a reverse proxy and called it Caucasian

A license to drive a car should have requirements about as high as to operate an airplane, a train, a tram, a bus full of people

In either case it's taking a responsibility for your own safety but also the safety, life and health of everyone around you

In many places, especially those heavily car-dependent, it's stupidly easy to get a drivers license

It's a broken system

re: antipsych discussion 

So let's switch to what I actually do believe: that the current therapy system is doing harm by usurping the support functions that we could be providing to each other. "Go to therapy" slips too easily off the tongue and offers too little.

At the same time, when you're in the throes of mental illness, your job isn't to fix the system singlehandedly, your job is to do what works best for you; which means going to therapy if it'll make you better and you can access it, or not going to therapy if it won't help you or you can't access it. Ability to make choices is one of the best things we can offer to struggling people, because they are dealing with a landscape of problems we cannot properly comprehend.

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