"When we expose the idea of “normalcy” as a capitalist invention, we open up new possibilities for social reorganization. “Normalcy” is not a universal truth, but a social construction rooted in the demands of capitalist production. The idea that certain bodies are more valuable, more productive, or more capable than others is a narrative created to uphold the capitalist order. Normalcy is rooted in the logic of efficiency, which always boils down to extracting more value with less effort. >
Continuation of ereader battery replacement thread: I replaced the battery in my own ereader too (it's the same PRS-505 but in black), and I would like to remind you that we thought about batteries very differently back in 2007.
Did you forget that in 2007 you didn't have to plug your phone in every night? Remember the INDIGNITY you felt when you bought your first colour phone or even smartphone, and it sucked so much energy that you had to turn the screen off when you weren't using it?
Anyway, I put in a new battery and charged it five days ago, read for a couple of hours every day, and can report that last night the battery display dropped from four bars to three.
So that's probably three weeks between charges aye. On a 750mAh battery smaller than a box of tic-tacs.
Look what they've stolen from us. Demand better. We deserve better.
We zijn inmiddels 10 jaar verder en iedere discussie op Tweakers over piraterij is nog altijd een exacte kopie van de discussie van 10 jaar geleden, met dezelfde (non-)argumenten, dezelfde lege morele aantijgingen, dezelfde misvattingen, dezelfde dooddoeners, en vaak zelfs dezelfde mensen.
Moedeloos word je ervan. Geen enkele indicatie van zelfontwikkeling of uberhaupt serieus ingaan op de punten die er genoemd worden.
Muis en Diederik komen niet bij.
De schuifdeur is open om de kamer te verwarmen (werkt nog niet echt), een vriendelijke koeienmestlucht waait door het huis.
Maar bovenal: schuifdeur! Open!
Dat betekent dat opeens door het dichte deel naar buiten kan worden gekeken (logisch). En dat EEN POOT door de schuifdeuropening kan worden gestoken zodat aan Terras, Takje, Blad, en Buitenlucht kan worden gevoeld.
Kat VD Buren 1 is door Diederik verjaagd door ernaar te kijken. Helpt. Nu Kat VD Buren 2 nog.
It feels almost bizarre to say, but at the end of this year almost all fossil fuel vehicles will have been eliminated from public transport in the four largest cities of the Netherlands. I remember when the large scale electrification of the bus vehicle fleet first started at the end of 2016, and that isn't even ten years ago!
Bumping this because I've once again come across Breadchain Cooperative in the wild. This is a reminder that it's not a cooperative because it operates on "one share/one vote" not "one member/one vote." It is a redwashing of a perfectly ordinary blockchain grift.
The trial period with the eCitaro at is going better than planned, starting Monday the eCitaro vehicles can be seen on all bus lines. This will also mean HTM is finally starting to retire the old CNG buses from 2009-2011 (these are considered old for Dutch standards).
From Monday 3 March, the articulated eCitaro will also be put on trial on line 24.
remixed WW2 propaganda, USpol, Elon's punchable face
dying at how well this person captured Elon's fist-magnet of a facial expression
(closest I can get to the source is an Imgur link from Feb 16, props to whoever actually did the remix) https://imgur.com/gallery/when-you-ride-tesla-you-ride-with-hitler-Z8jWD29
Incredibly, the National Cyber Security Centre have added my http://tla20xx.org Dutch hacker-camp redirect domain to the malware blocklist, so nobody working in a government department can access it
CW-boost: bird flu, health PSA, cats, reference to uspol
Alright, I should now have daily automated client-encrypted backups of all* my servers to two locations, one in the US and one in the Netherlands.
* except the 'workbot' server, which is a dedicated server that only handles high-resource workloads on ephemeral bulk data, like the seekseek crawler backend, and is not allowed to contain any critical data to begin with
I do have to say, I'm not impressed with Nix using an assert to check protocol compatibility for nix-copy-closure, leading to it just coredumping without a useful error message if you try to copy to a too-old #NixOS installation...
We have made it to 24.11, that's 7 years worth of #NixOS releases! Albeit with a detour through 4 intermediate releases.
It's about the journey, not the destination?
The system still boots fine, too!
Well, through 23.05 we go.
For some reason, I feel like this upgrade process could be improved. #NixOS
Technical debt collector and general hype-hater. Early 30s, non-binary, ND, poly, relationship anarchist, generally queer.
Sometimes horny on main (behind CW), very much into kink (bondage, freeuse, CNC, and other stuff), and believe it or not, very much a submissive bottom :p
Feel free to flirt, but if you want to actually meet up and/or do something with me, lewd or otherwise, please tell me explicitly or I won't realize :) I'm generally very open to that sort of thing!
Further boundaries: boosts are OK (including for lewd posts), DMs are open. But the devil doesn't need an advocate; I'm not interested in combative arguing in my mentions. I am however happy to explain things in-depth when asked non-combatively.
My spoons are limited, so I may not always have the energy to respond to messages.
Strong views about abolishing oppression, hierarchy, agency, and self-governance - but I also trust people by default and give them room to grow, unless they give me reason not to. That all also applies to technology and how it's built.