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??? why would you have a robots.txt pointing at a sitemap.xml and then the sitemap.xml just responds with "Connection failed! You are not authorized!"

These are small calories (cal). The large or dietary calorie (Cal) is equal to one kilocalorie (kcal), and is gradually being replaced by the latter correct term.

I did not listen to myself.

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NLmedia transfobie (ook gij 1V) 

Verslaggeefster van 1Vandaag noemt mensen die transgender jeugdzorg steunen een cult vergelijkbaar met Jehova’s getuigen, iedereen die er later uitvalt (detrans) wordt geëxcommuniceerd. Nou, dan weten we ook weer hoe neutraal de verslaggeving van 1Vandaag is 🙄

I wonder what percentage of urban trees are removed by house flippers. Anecdotally every time a tree in my neighborhood goes down it's to increase resale value.

There used to be two big trees behind my house (in my neighbors yards). Lost the first one a year ago, losing the other today

I'm beating a drum like, electronics isn't actually sorcery y'all,

and then TI casually drops *this* into a datasheet

I want to live in the least patriotic country. that

The rise of ChatGPT-style "AI tools" is a climate change issue. Advertising them is, by extension, an attempt at disengaging our sense of alarm.

Therefore, "you need to adapt and learn these 'tools'" is an anti-climate stance. Companies that engage in marketing these tools *are* engaging in the politics of climate change, even if they don't know it yet.

Talent is a harmful idea.

The concept of talent has dissuaded so many people from expressing themselves via art. Thinking of all the lost exploration and joy hurts my soul.

Noone needs permission by a deity, luck or fate to start creating art! It's enough to just do it.

can't believe i used to joke about mastodon needing discord-style now playing music statuses when #sharkey actually legiterally had those all along lmao

Train: "if you see something that doesn't look right..."
Me: "yes hello British transport police first of all no OV Chip? What? Not right? For the rest what is not right is these private te...."
BTP (hamgs up)

:anarchopunk: The liberated zone of #Sylt!

The Guardian: *German punks launch ‘invasion’ of holiday island favoured by elite*

"Leftwingers set up protest camp on Sylt to demonstrate against far right, economic exclusion and climate crisis"

Punks from across Germany have set up a summer-long protest camp on the North Sea holiday island of Sylt to demonstrate against economic exclusion, environmental degradation and the presence of the far right in one of the country’s most exclusive areas.

For the third consecutive year, the young leftwingers with mohawks, torn T-shirts and facial piercings began descending on Sylt at the weekend, mainly by train, to disrupt the seasonal repose of the elites.

The Aktion Sylt pressure group said it aimed to make “safe retreats for fascist subsidy collectors, tax-evading Nazi heirs and backward world destroyers things of the past!”

Their presence has been registered with the authorities, who have ordered the encampment’s residents to sleep in tents, use chemical toilets and dispose of their own litter until the site is dismantled by midday on 6 September, said Hans-Martin Slopianka, a district spokesperson for North Frisia. …"

#punk #anarchism

@gsuberland when I had really bad internet at an old place I lived, I used it purely to watch videos without YT player's buffering algorithm going crazy (by downloading the whole thing and waiting)

Their algorithm throws fits and cannot deal if you have less than ~60 Mbit internet

yt-dlp is arguably an accessibility tool; I frequently download people's videos and fix the audio (stereo width reduction, de-esser, compression / limiting) so it isn't painful to listen to.

Note: I will continue working on this (basically rewriting the whole thing to make it slightly faster and fix a few behaviours, like the canvas getting 'lost'), and so that page is unlikely to be functional when you look at it now

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If you have Opinions about performance of webapps, please help me test a thing! Try interacting with the canvas here, and tell me what the performance and 'feel' is like for you, especially on older devices:

Scroll to zoom, hold right mouse button to drag. Work in progress; currently probably only works on desktops/laptops, and not likely to work correctly with screenreaders yet, although it *should* work correctly with assistive scrolling tools (but untested).

does anyone know of a Long COVID support group that *doesn’t* use facebook groups?

#LongCovid #MentalHealth

(And this actually needs to *feel* nice to people, not just look nice on a benchmark 🙃)

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.