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(To clarify, I will obviously also be performance-testing myself. But different people have different tolerance for performance, and so I would like feedback from others as well)

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I admin a local "pantry" group on Facebook, for food sharing. Basically, if you have food (or other stuff, but mostly food) that you don't want for whatever reason you can post it in the group and give it away. It stops good being thrown out and wasted, and helps people who might be going hungry otherwise.

Tonight a woman put up a post talking about how she's a young mum with two small boys, and that they were out of food until Thursday. She talked about how she was embarrassed to ask but really needed help.

Two women answered the post, offering food. The OP explained that she didn't drive and would it be ok of people dropped things at her place, so I offered to drive around and collect the things people were giving and drop them at her place. I don't have spare food I can help with, but I have a car and I have time.

The second woman I collected from was someone I actually met at the beginning of the year, when she posted in the group and asked for help with cleaning supplies.. I gave her a bunch of things I had tucked away under the sink and didn't use.

She had told me then about how her partner had just been diagnosed with cancer. She told me tonight how she'd stayed in the group because she was waiting for the opportunity to help someone else because we'd helped her so much. She's doing better now, and it made her feel happy she could help someone else.

When I dropped the food these two women had given to the OP, she talked to me about how her partner had died suddenly the year before, leaving her with two young boys.. both with autism and ADHD. She said she's 31 and doesn't have her life together yet. I told her I'm 50 and mines a mess too. I told her that one of the women who had offered food was someone the group had helped previously, and how happy she'd been to be able to help as well. We talked about how community means not only helping people, but also being helped. We talked about how this means that our communities are stronger and prosper together. She's looking forward to being able to help someone else too.

This is how mutual aid works. No matter how dark things get, we can find hope in community.

#MutualAid #Indigenous #Aboriginal #CommunityCare #CommunityNotCops #RegionalAustralia

one of the strongest disconnects that I often have with leftists is that many of them seem to divide a vision of society between “now” and the post-revolution “future,” an end-state of human society where we’ll be finished and no further struggle will be necessary

I strongly believe that we will always be struggling for the better and that to stop struggling is to let it erode, that there will always be conflicts and that people will have to fight forever, until society is destroyed and done

the idea is a little bleak but I think we can come to terms with it and see beauty in it. we can think of the struggle as ancestral and shifting, something we can pass down. we can use this mindset to come to healthier terms with the fight, to accept our anger without letting it rule us our entire lives.

but it’s also uncomfortable, because it means the kinds of leftists who love theory and have never considered trying to meet their neighbors might have to consider living in the “right way” as best they can right now, not wait to do so in some nebulous utopian future, because that perfect future is a mirage

RE: unsolicited advice about boundaries and social interactions 

Just to clarify, I'm especially complaining about this type of interaction:

00:00 System: A is now online.
00:01 B: hey, can we talk?
00:05 B: please, it's important.
00:10 B:
00:15 B: .
00:15 B: ..
00:15 B: ...
07:30 A: hey I just woke up. Still need to talk?
07:31 B: no. I handled it on my own.
07:32 A: so sorry, I was asleep.
07:33 B: no you weren't, I set a notification for when you're online.
07:35 A: ...
07:40 A: it was the middle of the night and I was just checking my alarm. notifications were turned off.
07:46 B: whatever. Just don't pretend to care next time.

And this type:

00:00 System: A is now online.
00:01 B:
00:02 B: hello?
00:03 B: you there?
00:05 B:
@A boop
00:06 B:
@A you ok?
00:10 B: ...
00:12 B: A?
00:13 B: ok
00:13 B: I get it.
00:13 B: I'll leave now. Don't worry, you'll never hear from me again.
00:13 B: sorry for making you hate me.
00:15 A: hey, just got out of the shower. what's up?

And this:

00:00 System: A is now online.
00:01 [private] A:
@B something really bad happened, are you free?
00:02 [private] B: yeah, what's up?
00:03 C: morning A!
00:03 D: hey
00:03 [private] A: thanks. give me just a second...
00:04 A: morning
@C@D 👋
00:04 A: little busy rn sorry
00:05 [private] A: ok so
00:05 [private] A: remember how I left early from Z's party last night?
00:05 [private] B: yeah, I remember.
00:06 E: good morning
00:06 F: A's online? And didn't say good morning? I thought we were friends
@A💔 /JK
00:07 [private] A: ugh, hold up I gotta deal with something
00:07 A: hey friends! Yeah I'm kinda busy today, sorry.
00:08 [private] A: back, sorry.
00:08 [private] A: the reason I left was because
00:08 G: good morning

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unsolicited advice about boundaries and social interactions 

Just because someone is "online" in some chat app, does not mean that they're available to interact or even read your messages. Don't ping them or complain if they don't respond immediately. Respect others' right to decide when they want to socialize and when they want to be left alone.

If you have Opinions about performance of webapps, please help me test a thing! Try interacting with the canvas here, and tell me what the performance and 'feel' is like for you, especially on older devices:

Scroll to zoom, hold right mouse button to drag. Work in progress; currently probably only works on desktops/laptops, and not likely to work correctly with screenreaders yet, although it *should* work correctly with assistive scrolling tools (but untested).

uspol, meta 

Hey did you know you can criticize fascists for being fascists instead of being fatphobic at them or saying ableist things about their intelligence? It's super easy, barely an inconvenience.

Answering genuine question about all the things that are going wrong in our society and economy with a glib "it's late-stage capitalism, what did you expect?" is like answering "why is this old man dying" with "he's old and unhealthy, what did you expect?"

You still want details. You still need to understand the hows and whys—the proximate and near proximate causes even if the ultimate cause is abundantly clear.

The halting problem is super easy to solve anyway; it only halts if it's a long-running daemon. If it's a short-running CI pipeline it never halts.

Every once in a while, you find an answer on StackOverflow that just completely knocks it out of the park. Today's case was

grumbling about Highrise City 

How do you make a city builder with lore focused around "sustainably growing cities to deal with increased centralized population" and... not have trains???

I think the Crowdstrike situation shows a similar failure mode as the supply chain problems during covid.
When things go well, there is a push for centralization in order to reduce costs, but this decreases resiliency.
The result is Crowdstrike taking down important services around the world, or half the internet going down whenever Cloudflare or AWS are down.
I think it would be more healthy to have systems be more diverse and stop trying to push everything to the cloud.

Are you "defensive" and "high-conflict," or does your job demand so many extra hours that you are perpetually sleep deprived and physically deprived of emotional regulation mechanisms?

CW-boost: isolation, community building, reference to state violence 

OH: “I just say random shit and it immediately gets posted on fedi!”

uncomfortable truth for anarchist computer folks 

You know that thing about how any system of hierarchy and power is eventually coopted, regardless of how good the intentions are, by authoritarians? And how it will turn into a system of oppression? And how that's fundamentally unavoidable on a long-enough timescale even with 'checks and balances'?

Yeah. You know how computer technology is structured, with only a few parties capable of manufacturing it, and most of society being centralized into a handful of different 'shapes' of computer system?

That's a system of power.

While this is not a call to 'abandon technology' or similar primitivist rhetoric, this is absolutely a thing you need to be thinking about long and hard as a tech anarchist.

“Cyberattack” remains a broadly meaningless term that creates a fictional distinction between accidental and deliberate computer carnage. Weirdly it also creates a fictional distinction between computer carnage we should care about and stuff that’s fine despite evidence that it’s identical to the stuff we should care about. “It doesn’t seem to be a cyberattack” coming from government agencies while half the fucking Internet blew up is a hell of a vibe.

From: @leigh

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