If you have Opinions about performance of webapps, please help me test a thing! Try interacting with the canvas here, and tell me what the performance and 'feel' is like for you, especially on older devices: joepie91-home.cryto.net:3500/

Scroll to zoom, hold right mouse button to drag. Work in progress; currently probably only works on desktops/laptops, and not likely to work correctly with screenreaders yet, although it *should* work correctly with assistive scrolling tools (but untested).

(To clarify, I will obviously also be performance-testing myself. But different people have different tolerance for performance, and so I would like feedback from others as well)


(And this actually needs to *feel* nice to people, not just look nice on a benchmark 🙃)

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 0

Note: I will continue working on this (basically rewriting the whole thing to make it slightly faster and fix a few behaviours, like the canvas getting 'lost'), and so that page is unlikely to be functional when you look at it now

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