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Johns Hopkins is doing a long-COVID survey and apparently is having trouble finding controls -- people who haven't had COVID. If this is you, consider giving them some clicks.

Why on earth is my game crashing on launch... in the garbage collector

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I intended to play a game and now I'm compiling KiCad

Happy agender day! Please dump all your unwanted gender into this bin:


I, the gender trash panda, will happily collect and root through them.

Interesting thing i've learned over the years from dealing with server hosting:
Game population rarely grows linearly, the odds for a server to be half full are dramatically smaller than for it to be empty or full.

(I also want to emphasize that this has been a problem for *at least* a decade, and in some ways has become *less* of a problem over that time.)

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Since people are getting restless about Hetzner again: yes, those kinds of TOS are problematic. However, and this is crucial, they are also *common* - even if not every hosting provider tells you upfront.

Does this justify such terms? No. But it means that you need to think carefully about what your actual anticipated problems are, and whether moving to a different provider is actually a good solution.

When it comes down to it, virtually every cheap hosting provider is going to be extremely strict on acceptable usage of their services; usually they will enforce a strict and conservative interpretation of the local legislation, because simply put, fighting legal cases costs money.

Hetzner sticks out right now due to recent incidents, but consider how big they actually are; at that scale, two incidents do not make a pattern, and unless you *know* that another provider is more friendly to your cause (and this will likely have a pricetag attached), other options are not necessarily better.

@schratze would you like your bad user experience in “we intentionally made it bad” or in “we don’t know how to not make it bad”

Chris Fallin wrote a Futamura projector for #wasm:
Partially evaluate an interpreter to get a compiler.

Edit: Hi @cfallin.

we have trained on
the messages
that were in
the Slack

and which
you were probably

forgive me
they were delicious
to our new
AI model

i saved this a long time ago and it really fits the vibe

user: hello company, i would like to access your main product, you know, the one people come to you for, the main thing


re: food-related, medical diet, positive 

(For a bit of background context: my diet is *extremely* difficult to cook for, because basically every salt replacement runs afoul of some other dietary restriction...)

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food-related, medical diet, positive 

So I booked a short stay at the Efteling for next week and I asked them whether they could find a way to accommodate my kidney disease diet (low salt, low potassium) at the hotel breakfast/dinner.

I had kind of expected them to get back to me with one specific improvised option, but no, they sent me a whole list of potential options and their nutritional values, along with suggestions of what would combine well, and a question whether there's anything missing from the list that I would like to eat.


Saw someone on Korean fedi call the CW a 뚜껑 ("lid") and now I can't think of it as anything else :blobcat_trash:

"If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there's no progress. If you pull it all the way out that's not progress. Progress is healing the wound that the blow made. And they haven't even pulled the knife out much less heal the wound.

"They won't even admit the knife is there."

Happy birthday to El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, called Malcom X. In his honour, at least admit the knife is there.

it's weird that people let pride be an event that the city puts on

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.