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"If you’d like to find out more about resisting the UK’s racist & hostile immigration system, power mapping, 1-2-1s and other community organising tools, this workbook is for you.

The workbook is a living, breathing and changing publication, which we will update and translate. It’s available in an easy-to-print black/white version and a riso printed publication"

Excellent resource from Solidarity Knows No Borders.

#Migrants #Refugees #AsylumSeekers #UKPolitics #SKNB has been discussing whether to disable images on May 16 and October 10 for #WorldSightDay, as suggested here

One concern raised about this proposal is that it is symbolic and might not do anything to improve the lives of people with visual impairments.

I would like to hear perspectives from people with visual impairments on whether this kind of action is helpful.

(boosts welcome; please only reply if you rely on alt text)


In the family we say to someone complaining that they don't want to go out in the rain: "You're not made of sugar". Is this a common thing elsewhere too?

@NanoRaptor as an European I always thought that "quiet quitting" meant "do the bare minimum for not getting fired". I was surprised when I realized that American colleagues defined it as "do your job but without enthusiasm", this is what I just called "working"

If there ever was a case study in "having a legal structure does not automatically safeguard your project governance", well, the situation is probably it.

It's also quite bizarre to see people *already* rewriting history to claim that the project is failing because "it's anarchic and there is no leadership" when the hierarchical side of the project *literally is the root cause of the problem*.

A piece of advice regarding : You know how it's really difficult to find something similar to replace it with?

That also means that if worst comes to worst, a fork is very likely to happen - because there are going to be many other people *also* looking to replace it.

I would recommend not panicking yet, and instead keeping an eye out for further developments. Even if NixOS dies, that doesn't mean the community does.


Apophenia and model overfitting together form one hell of a drug.

At one point in my life, I encountered a sequence of unrelated people who were (a) all assholes, and (b) were all named Carl. It was very tempting to form a new understanding of the world around the supposed fact that "Carl => asshole."

Obviously, this isn't actually a fact, but damn if it's hard not to convince a pattern-obsessed bag of salty soggy carbon that it's anything else.

And I mean "that they know nothing about" very literally - making statements and inferences that are obviously factually incorrect in the first sentence to anyone who has actually been involved in the events.

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I am growing increasingly impatient with random people who have never been involved in governance discussions before, suddenly feeling like it's their duty to start relitigating circumstances that they know nothing about.

"I heard someone at the market say there are monsters walking along us."


"Masked, trying to appear as normal as you or I!"

I keep my expression neutral. "Yes, there are people wearing masks, but they're not the monsters."

"Then who are?"

"Those who make masks needed."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories #NotAboutRespiratoryMasks

Estrogen, help wanted 

The twice per week schedule of patches just isn't working for me, does anyone know of a type that is taken daily and does not have the long term risks of pills?

the upside of having ADHD is that I can complete a month's worth of work for a whole team in the space of a weekend and a couple of evenings.

the downside of having ADHD is that I keep putting myself in situations where I need to complete a month's worth of work for a whole team in the space of a weekend and a couple of evenings.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.