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Great article listing many Rust issues.

To keep Rust viable for gamedev, it's important to address these, not deny them, on both language + library level.

godot-rust values pragmatism over purism, and deviates from common idioms where it helps ergonomics -- even if sometimes controversially.

Advertisements are basically Dick Pics from Corporations.

in 2009, on totally homebrew software, The Pirate Bay served 20 million simultaneous peers on 10 servers (20 for the website) for $3,000 a month.

i wonder how much serving 20 million simultaneous users costs netflix. there are ~260 million total subscribers of netflix (of which a fraction are active at a time) and its total operating expenses (which is obviously A Lot More Different Things Than TPB) are ~$7 Billion a year.

the comparison isn't all that ridiculous. netflix is about 10% of all bandwidth, and bittorrent used to be >30% of all bandwidth - of which TPB tracked roughly half.

Lots of people in the Nix project: I would really like eelco to stop just doing things without discussing them with other members of the community

eelco: hold my beer

It certainly feels like a lot of things around the situation that were set in motion some time ago, are starting to resolve themselves

radical education meta 

"But how would we have <some technology> if not for capitalism?" is a misquestion, and you should not attempt to answer it. It is not relevant and will detract from the point.

We already have that technology. Abolishing capitalism does not require reinventing it. It can simply be used as-is, if it is needed. That problem is solved, and there is no moral imperative that says we should stop using it if we abolish capitalism.

What actually matters is whether a non-capitalist society could provide for people's needs going forward, and continue to improve itself over time, and *that* is the question to be answering. You don't measure that by considering work that has already been done.

My work on the #WordPress Gutenberg editor back in 2018, which was essentially to replace the date picker with a different component and then tweaking some accessibility related things clocked in at 111 hours.

It could have been a day's work in an optimal environment.

This mainly had to do with waiting for feedback and dealing with management and leadership issues.

The date picker was then replaced a couple of years later with a different component.

i've had this little sarcastic banner at the bottom of my nextcloud instance forever and i keep updating the line count each time i do a major upgrade

everyone i have figured it out, cats just have unchecked integer operations

> The assertion that Determinate Systems “owns” Nix or seeks to exert outsized influence over the project, the community, or the foundation is patently false: I am the only member of the Nix team who works for Determinate Systems.

Posted on the Detsys website, later pointing to the Detsys CoC and Detsys-controlled Discord.

The guy did not even posted that on a community-owned medium and went full corporate.


I mostly gave Eelco, Graham and Detsys the benefit of the doubt so far.

I was wrong. Not being an insider, looking how they communicate, it really seems like they are definitely trying to fork the community project and release something on their own…

nixos, subtoot 

That having been said, I am cautiously optimistic about how many people deciding to leave are still open to returning to a hypothetical better community if it were to come into existence. This might end with a bit less collateral damage than usual for these sorts of conflicts.

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nixos, subtoot 

"All the people opposing weapons manufacturers must be from the US" is one of the more hilariously absurd takes that nevertheless seems to keep coming back.

It's so frustrating to see Microsoft copy inventions from the Linux world and act like they're new. Ads in the start menu? Come on, we had that in Ubuntu back in 2012 already, you're late to the party *again*.


Like, I'm fine with people newly getting involved in the conversation, but when it's so clear that this is a long-running situation, do your fucking homework first before commenting the same tired takes we've heard a hundred times before

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Lot of "I don't really understand what this is about but I'm going to insert my opinion anyway" going around in land lately

life advice real talk, latex gloves make an incredible difference in what dish soap does to your hands. like i've been using them for a couple weeks at this point and i don't even have dry skin any more

turns out not bathing them in degreaser for 15-30 minutes a day helps a lot. who knew lol but i wish i'd been taught and/or figured this out ages ago

I think people working for companies like Anduril or Palantir deserve to be shunned and pushed out of any communal space on tech. These are people who willingly choose to work making the killing of other people more efficient and easy. I'm ok, happy even, with them not feeling welcome in FOSS.

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