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btw the way i found this out was seeing their avatar in my follows and going "huh that looks familiar did i used to have a mutual with that avatar on twitter?"

and the penny didn't drop that it was art from my own dang game until i clicked into their profile and saw the banner XD

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got followed by someone on bluesky with akko as their avatar and a screenshot from kitsune tails with akko talking to kiri as their banner and that's definitely a nice first. for someone to like one of my games enough to just make it their account branding

Is there a specific name for the "This is not a place of honor" text? I know that it's from "Expert Judgement on Markers to Deter Inadvertent Human Intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant" where it's buried in one of the appendices but surely it has its own name, right?

Any tips welcome, please boost, thank you!

I used to have a part time job working in a gift shop. The back room where the merchandise was kept was a mess, everything in disarray and you could find things only if you knew where they were. It made sense to my boss but to literally no one else. Then one time he went away on vacation for a week and left me in charge. You guessed it: I reorganized the back room. Now everyone could find where everything was, not just my boss!

Not sure why I thought of that just now.

hot take, FOSS 

The creation of Github has been terrible for FOSS.

Not because the situation before Github was so good (it wasn't), but because Github didn't actually solve any of those problems but it made it *look* like it did, and at the same time socially 'locked in' a toxic contribution and interaction model.

software development 

It occurs to me that a lot of framework developers are perfectly happy to build frameworks that are opinionated about how developers "should" be doing things, while completely failing to be opinionated about how the result should 'feel' to (or behave for) the end user

Opinie Caring Farmers: 'Van de VVD, BBB en PVV mogen we niet aan de gehaktbal van de Nederlander komen, dat vinden ze betutteling. Dat tegelijkertijd die gehaktbal met miljoenen euro’s aan vleesreclame door de strot wordt geduwd, is vrije economie'.

the habitual aspect really do be fucking useful. thank god for black English and for black people in general.

Food $200
Data $150
Rent $800
Nuts for the crows $3,600
Utility $150
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying

NLpol, very silly joke, lewd-adj 

@smveerman @lis the name goes back to when it was illegal for them to exist and they needed a cover story, by keeping the name they’re keeping that era in memory

The biggest lie you were ever told is that the world needs CEOs or presidents or whatnot. That some privileged clueless asshat – and it’s usually a guy – needs to make the “hard decisions” that the everyday people who keep things running and actually know shit are apparently incapable of making because they might just make them in ways that benefit their communities and humanity at large instead of playing some psychopathic and self-destructive zero sum game with all our futures. Fuck ‘em. Fuck the lot of ‘em. Oh, you’re a “leader” are you? Fuck you. The world doesn’t need you or your toxic bullshit. You’re worse than useless.

reminder to be kind to people 

if random people make your day better by doing their job well, tell them! chances are they don't get enough appreciation under this hellish system we live in

A website I work on has information about books. We are not selling them directly and we're not a library.

If I want to use structured data, I have resorted to using the Article and WebPage data types for each book, because according to Google's own docs, you can't have a website with *things* on them unless you're selling something.

And for an authoritative information source about books including ISBNs, authors, publishers etc, that's not amazing.

@elilla on top of that; being good at nothing and/or doing nothing is morally superior to a lot of people doing things in a very skilled manner (geologists at oil companies, engineers at weapons manufacturers, etc.)

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