antipsych discussion
After doing some political and philosophical exploration I've come to see myself as anti-psychiatry, but I'm also disappointed with the way I've seen antipsych playing out on the social media platforms, specifically the people whose major idea for how you can practice anti-psychiatry in your daily life is "don't go to therapy, turn to your friends instead". I call this plastic straw anti-psychiatry.
There's a special kind of cruelty in the way they did it too, forcing people to triage their own stuff on an emergency timetable. Like they say 2 months, but what they don't say anywhere is you're frozen out of cutting new VODs immediately, with no consideration to your Past Broadcast expiration schedule for it.
So some people may have a couple days, or a day, or something to get under the limit or they lose something to expiration.
In that case you can download the recording at least. If you have the bandwidth and storage.
Looking at this Twitch VOD thing, it feels a lot like a budget crisis.
Like the script as it plays out in my head is Twitch has had to declare a recurring CapEx each year to expand storage and just this year someone said "No". So the people in charge of storage said "Well that's bad, maybe when we hit crisis levels we can get an emergency expansion"
Then that day came and they tried to find budget or request an addition and up stairs still said "No", and now it's a disaster and here we are.
It's the only explanation I have for how heavy handed they've been in halting new VOD cuts and threatening arbitrary deletion on such a short timetable.
Eigenlijk is het best makkelijk om een politieke partij met aanhang op te richten. Je roept gewoon wat algemeenheden waar mensen achter kunnen staan en die ze met volle overtuiging en zelfs fanatisme kunnen uitdragen. Dat wordt dan je core.
Dan registreren en die core het werk laten doen; veel roepen en inspelen op wat veel mensen kunnen 'herkennen' en 'voelen', al is het maar '"Heb jij ook weleens zin in pindakaas? Ja? NOU DAN!" en dan het momentum pakken en door!
Hello World! This is the brand new Fediverse account of Minnesota Measurement Instruments. We are a small manufacturer of thermocouple temperature sensors.
We make high temperature Type K sensors that are used in #pottery #kilns . We believe in the right to repair and make specialty sensors for old and out of production kilns & ovens
We also supply sensors for science to everybody from vaccine manufacturers, universities, solar and electric car manufacturers to space agencies.
I’ve been posting about trans men and how we all need to support and protect our men too.
The bigots feel they are every bit as entitled to trans masc bodies as they are to trans feminine bodies. Trans men face violence just as trans women do. Sure, the mechanisms of bigotry differ somewhat, but that doesn’t negate the violence.
We are stronger when we are together. We don’t need contests about who is most oppressed.
"What gadgets do you have for me, Q?"
"Here, you'll like this."
Bond examined the device. "It looks like an Amazon Dash Button."
"An AI-powered Dash Button. It will analyse what you need most, and deliver by drone."
Bond pressed it. A moment later, a drone put a resignation letter in his hand.
In #spoonieTown they clear the sidewalks first.
And there's a sled pulled by the neighbourhood dogs for anyone who needs it until the roads are cleared.❄️
NGO emails will have subjects lines like “an important update from our team” and the update is “we’ve hired a new director of sending important emails”
If you’re part of an org like this, first, I’m so sorry, and second, don’t be surprised when your email titled “please help we are all hanging off the edge of a cliff and going to die if you don’t act now” has an open rate of 0.2%
When I was checking my luggage, the guy at the counter like hardly looked at us or said anything. He was clearly checked out and I get it, it was an 11:30pm flight. My bag was exactly 50lbs, the maximum limit. Without saying anything, he just suddenly walks away without giving back my id or boarding pass. Uhh.
We stand around for like 8 minutes until he returns with a sheet of labels? I'm like, oh great, for sure they're gonna charge us extra. The fees start at the minimum, didn't you read the fine print?
With the most solemn look, he hands me.. a gold star sticker. Then grins big and says it's for getting exactly 50lbs. Lmao.
I started writing a series of posts but decided fuck it, we longform now, and put my thoughts on Twitch's new and immediate 100 hour storage limit into a blog
Technical debt collector and general hype-hater. Early 30s, non-binary, ND, poly, relationship anarchist, generally queer.
Sometimes horny on main (behind CW), very much into kink (bondage, freeuse, CNC, and other stuff), and believe it or not, very much a submissive bottom :p
Feel free to flirt, but if you want to actually meet up and/or do something with me, lewd or otherwise, please tell me explicitly or I won't realize :) I'm generally very open to that sort of thing!
Further boundaries: boosts are OK (including for lewd posts), DMs are open. But the devil doesn't need an advocate; I'm not interested in combative arguing in my mentions. I am however happy to explain things in-depth when asked non-combatively.
My spoons are limited, so I may not always have the energy to respond to messages.
Strong views about abolishing oppression, hierarchy, agency, and self-governance - but I also trust people by default and give them room to grow, unless they give me reason not to. That all also applies to technology and how it's built.