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CW meta, a subtoot I guess 

And to make that explicit: "forcing people to engage with what I, personally, currently believe to be important, regardless of context or mental well-being, is a good thing" 100% is a fascist belief, whether one wants to acknowledge it as such or not

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CW meta, a subtoot I guess 

Not understanding the request for CWs or having different beliefs about their consequences is one thing, but if you're trying to argue that requesting CWs equals "suppression of speech" then I'm honestly just going to assume that you hold fascist beliefs

*Please* CW your posts about US politics. The functionality exists so that people who are following you can selectively dip into rough / controversial topics and preserve some semblance of mental health.

I've got auto-filtering on based on keywords, but it can't catch anything 🥴

Seriously, open source people, name one of your variables "transgender_marxism" and name one of your functions "green_new_deal".

You don't want your software used in weapons? This will help ensure it isn't.

food dyes, ADHD 

So I keep seeing this claim of "synthetic food dyes cause ADHD". Does anyone know what the *actual* science says?

Because this sounds an awful lot like the usual ableist pattern of "tiny study regarding ADHD/autism correlation gets extrapolated into sweeping and wild claims to support someone's pet peeve or financial interest".

my husband's phone goes "beep boop" in my voice when i send him a text message. he has been transferring my "beep boop" voice file between phones for the better part of a decade now

How I learned to start worrying and stop the AI marketing - response to Niko Matsakis' advocacy for the use of LLMs in #rustlang

"People can learn how to navigate and use unfamiliar things just fine" is true but you do actually need to do the teaching part, and not just expect people to magically infer things from first principles (and this also applies to technical terminology)

the free software community must eliminate corpo speak and become radically unprofessional

the reason that programmers are so elitist is because we lack proper labor unions, so our job security is based mainly on gatekeeping the skills necessary to do our job. there i said it

We haven’t had a president in Korea for two months since December 3rd, essentially. He’s just been away and detained, and we’re doing quite well. The country has not fallen apart. And no one really likes the other person that is first in line to replace him either, so we're not in a hurry. We are fine without a president.

I’m not one to tell you what to do, but as your friend, I want you to keep all of your options open. You know, think about it. I believe in you.

>>"Oh, I don't know if we can make masks required at our event... how would we enforce it? What if people don't have a mask? I live in a red state. What if the venue doesn't allow it. It sounds too hard etc etc etc"

Ok people so last weekend I tabled at a zine fest in Nebraska with like 25 vendors. The state is overwhelmingly Trump country and Omaha has a Republican asshole mayor and a Republican asshole congressperson. The organizing crew was 4 people. They bought a bunch of kn95s cheap in bulk. They put masks required on all their promo materials. They rotated duties so there was always one person standing at the door to the pertinent area next to the welcome table (the rest of the building did not require masking) and simply handed masks to anyone coming in who wasn't already wearing one.

The event lasted 5 hours and was attended by hundreds of people. In my estimation, 99%+ of people were masked up. It was busy the entire time. I made a lot of buxx and made a lot of good connections. It was rad. A lot of people expressed their appreciation for the masking, and I personally heard no complaints. Shoutout Alt Pub Omaha.

Your crew can easily do this too.

@joepie91 Yup, I've read some posts on here lately from people who experienced the exact same thing. Seems like Google really doesn't want you to use Firefox for YouTube (most likely because of the ability to still use adblockers). Which just means I'm using YouTube less and less 🤷🏻‍♀️

(Basically the design error is that the nut is recessed into the casing so far that you can't grip it with the included little wrench)

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Like, don't get me wrong, I like this keyboard in general, but I have never before used a keyboard that would gradually start wobbling because you can't properly tighten one of the three locking nuts due to a design error in the casing, and the tenting mechanism 100% relies on those nuts being tightened

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I'm seeing the effects of stress on myself and nearly everyone around me. We are being ground down.

Taking care of yourself and others is fighting back. It is doing something, and it does matter.

Time for my periodic complaint about the Glove80's godawful tenting system

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