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Every time I see someone say "I apologize for any perceived harm", with the 'perceived' in there, they get a very specific flag associated with them in my head, and it's nothing good

American readers with an interest in #cooking, hear me out - I have a proposal!

I know that the next few years are going to suck a lot for anyone who is not a TechBro billionaire and their chosen cronies. Which means that a lot of people have to get rather thrifty with their dwindling finances.

Which brings me to my idea: There are a _lot_ of old cookbooks in the public domain - published during WWI, the Great Depression, and other times - which focus on "economic" or "thrifty" cooking.

Thus, a writer with relevant interest could revisit all those recipes, update them for the modern area, and publish them together with economic analysis of what aspects of meal preparation were cheap and which were were pricey then, along with what makes them pricey _now_ - including how late-stage #Capitalism screws the consumer over!

The end result would be a book that combines advice for thrifty cooking with increasing political awareness in these trying times! How does this sound for a book idea?

#USPolitics #writing #WritingCommunity #history

Sources for the covers:

@aparrish Every single time I hear the sentiment "like it or not, ______ is here to stay", I like to take a moment to reflect on the overwhelming majority of "things we were told would be permanent" that now, *shockingly*, no longer exist.😮🫢🤗🙄

apparently amazon is removing zhe ability to download kindle ebooks starting two weeks from today (so, on za 26zh).

zhis is a reminder zat tampering wizh any kind of DRM is ILLEGAL, like for instance using zhe excellent free and open source ebook library manager calibre ( wizh za readily-available DeDRM plugin which automatically strips all DRM from ebooks you add to za library, including amazon's encrypted AZW/3 format zat all kindle ebooks come in, and zhen converting zhem to any format you like including epub and pdf, is ILLEGAL and you definitely SHOULD NOT download any and all kindle ebooks you may have and do zis to all of zhem in za next two weeks. definitely not.

and you definitely SHOULDN'T check out zis guide zat explains step by step how to set zat all up:

Super scummy for microsoft to auto upgrade (at the added cost of an extra £30 a year) people to a AI plan, and not offer a "actually I don't use any of that stuff" can I not pay that £30 a year?

And then only when you are at the cancel page, it's like "🥺 oh sorry do you want the old deal back? 🥺"

For anyone else, you don't even have to get that far into the cancel page for this. So it's easy to save £30 a year with this.

@maartenpelgrim @janvlug @Kletskous @bassjobsen @PvdA @groenlinks

Het is niet ‘mastodon’ of ‘the fediverse’ wat moeilijk is. Het is moeilijk om daadwerkelijk inhoudelijk aandacht te geven aan een ander.

Echt luisteren, je echt verdiepen in anderen, dat is ontzettend moeilijk! Zo moeilijk dat het bijna pijn doet als je het moet proberen.

En de algoritmes van bv Bluesky en Facebook geven je instant gratification.

The reduction of all human activity to transaction trades is dehumanizing. As is reducing all human activity to materialistic economic exchanges.

I talk about it this way, I reduce what is in fact “being decent to your fellow person” to “economics” because in this society we operate with the false and destructive assumption that if a thing does not provide a quantifiable profit, if it cannot be quantified, if it cannot be bought or sold, then it is without meaning or value.

if it has value anyways, then we presume that it *should* be transactionalized in order for somebody, somewhere, to be able to make money off of it.

This is extremely dehumanizing. It is not an accurate understanding of real life human behavior.

It is, by the literal definition of the word, extremely idealistic, even if the neo-liberal ideals are framed as if they are cynical and “realistic”

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the core assumption of neo-liberalism is that relying on other people makes us weak and feckless. That providing for others makes us exploited.

But that isn’t how humans actually behave. We are social creatures. In a group, we will naturally tend to specialize towards the tasks we are best suited for that the group we are in needs. The person who cooks, cooks for the group while the one who makes horseshoes shoes their horses.

It is useful to have mediums of exchange to facilitate *transactional* exchanges because if I am visiting a distant land I still need to be able to give something in return for what I need so I can contribute to their society as well.

But money isn’t the economy. Trading money for things or things for things aren’t the only kinds of economic exchange.

Humans do not give birth to children as a form of economic investment, but as a means to ensure the continuation of their community. It’s an “investment” in the common welfare, not a financial “investment”

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:boost_ok: Please boost for research reach!

Community moderators and event organizers:

📊 What challenges are you facing in Code of Conduct reports or community moderation?


We roepen nu wel allemaal heel hard hoe de VS een fascistische staat geworden is, maar ook in Nederland gaat het hard de verkeerde kant op.

Zoals bijvoorbeeld Faber (PVV) die ageert om 'overlastgevende asielzoekers' op te sluiten in een gevangenis. Zonder juridisch proces dus, want het gaat niet om veroordelingen. Zo'n beleid is niet noemenswaardig anders dan wat Trump nastreeft, en is net zo racistisch.

Always promising when I manage to crash a game in the tutorial

uspol, vent 

Journalists need to grow a fucking spine and actually say "Trump and Musk lie" out loud instead of repeating their claims as if there is even a remote intention of truth in there

LB I didn't wanna derail that thread but if you're looking for sewing patterns and you have the measurements of who you're making something for (and tbh a size chart might work too), please check out where patterns cost exactly how much it costs you to print them! Unless you have a projector because they also have a mode for that, so you can save paper and spend $0 more than what you already paid for the projector
#sewing #freeSewing #freeSewingPatterns

I'm ending this debate on this point and, honestly, this last entry is more for myself than for Robin Sloan. It's a reminder to myself that "AI" is part and parcel of the ongoing right-wing political project.

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@zacwest For any readers who go "huh": It is possible to download all your Amazon ebooks, remove their DRM with DeDRM, make some backups and, if desired, delete your Amazon account. Well, until February 26th it is possible, so do it now before they are lost forever.

Amazon is removing the ability to download purchased Kindle content, which is the only way to read it on my Kobo or elsewhere. What this means is I will no longer be purchasing (“a license to”–ick) any books by the mostly independent authors who exclusively publish there; just cancelled preorders.

uspol meta, "look at what Trump did today" 

Once again, endlessly reporting on the awful shit that Trump does is going to do absolutely jack shit.

Anyone who cares already knows what the guy is doing, the cruelty is the point, and all you're doing by constantly posting bad news is to depress people into inaction because it seems hopeless. It doesn't *matter* what specific actions Trump takes.

Post about what you're doing to oppose it instead, about what resistance is happening in your area, about what support you can offer *or what you need from others* to mount an effective resistance.

So you want to fight fascism and make a difference right now? Do this:

Join Codeberg e.V. – become part of the organisation; part of the resistance – and actively support this valuable and ethical EU-based anti-fascist¹ git hosting alternative that’s under attack by fascists as we speak:

Seriously, do it now.²

Volunteer and/or donate if you can.

Let’s send Codeberg’s membership through the roof and show these fucking fascists that when they push we push back twice as hard.

When you do, please add your voice to this thread so others can see.

I rarely ask this but please repost this far and wide.


² If you’re having trouble reaching the server, it might also be under attack. You can check the current status of all Codeberg’s servers from

#Codeberg #CodebergUnderAttack #SupportCodeberg #antifascist #EU #european #FOSS #freeSoftware #git #hosting #fediverse #mastodon #community #callToAction

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i joined verdi (one of the big unions in germany) (eventhough i don't really agree with them politically on many levels, they do some important stuff and there aren't many other options) and now I'm finding out they offer a lot of useful services to members that i didn't really know about before.

For example they have consulting on doing your taxes or on dealing with landlords, and help you with your communications with Jobcenter/Arbeitsagentur when you're unemployed.

I said "huh they really should advertize this stuff more" and then ellie told me that i should post about it so maybe others who don't know about this stuff can be helped by it so here we are

join a union, they're useful and good for you, and if you don't need the services then your money helps to provide them for those who do!

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.