Brick Layer Post-Processor, Promising Stronger 3D Prints, Now Available
The wild thing about the tech oligarchs is that if they stopped offering their services tomorrow, most of us would be at a loss for maybe a week, then replace them with the dozens of other, smaller alternatives that they keep beating down below the fold.
They're nothing like the robber barons, who could *materially fuck you up* just by like, losing a shipment on their railroad or forgetting to ship you steel or cutting you off from oil.
These people bottle and sell the air like it's gold.
ticket gates on the metro make absolutely no fucking sense, never did and never will
they only artificially boost the operational cost of the infrastructure because they break all the fucking time and need constant maintenance, upgrades, inspections
they reduce accessibility and easy of use of the basic transportation infrastructure
it's just a shit idea overall
Your regular stream of caro socialist commentary to counter the constant capitalist propaganda we are all under all of the time
Fare dodgers, petty thieves and low scale drug dealing (which is most drug dealing) is only a crime when you think not having enough money in a system where anyone not working themselves to death or born lucky enough to nor need to and not subscribing your life to retiring later and later to make someone that already has more than you richer is a crime. There is real tax money spent towards investigating these 'crimes'. Tax money that can be spent towards making public transport free or more affordable, better free education and other really ways to actually and provably prevent crime
by "overriding agency" i mean the situations where fear overtakes your ability to think clearly, to act of your own will. situations where it disrupts organization and makes you give up, shut up and comply with fascism.
it's okay to be afraid. it's okay to cry. it's okay to feel angry and devastated. absolutely.
but once we have processed these emotions, we have to stand up, wipe our tears and fight. together.
we won't let them win.
a lot of people myself included are afraid, but i believe we must not let it overtake us.
fear puts you into an inherently defensive, disarming, passive position. unchecked, it allows the enemy to dictate you the terms on which you fight. it kills your spirit, it throws you off balance, it makes you pliable and malleable.
it is a completely normal, healthy emotion we must not resent, but like with all emotions, we must not let it override our agency.
recast your fear into resilience.
health update, post-transplantation
Day 9 after transplantation.
Continuing to become more mobile and agile every day, I can make almost all of my normal movements again, and most of the time I can bend over too! Walking speed seems to have restored to my usual "nobody can keep up with me" levels.
Had some issues with leg cramps keeping me awake, that seemed to be a side-effect of the fluvastatine; discussed with doctor, temporarily paused those meds for a bit to see if that was indeed the cause. If so, they may get replaced by other medication.
Weirdly, sitting in a chair is still one of the most tiring things for me, and I usually need to lay down on the couch for a bit near the end of the day.
Wir haben Kaltgerätekabel gegen Versand abzugeben. Gerne auch komplette Pakete.
UPDATE: @Exellent nimmt bis Dienstag Wünsche entgegen
unexpectedly wholesome name change conversation
I was doing ID checks over the phone. When the man on the other end of the line realised I'd changed my full name, he said brightly, 'Veo Corva is a cool name!'
I replied, 'Thank you! I picked it out myself.'
People can be weird about it sometimes, but people can be kind, too. ^_^
Een politiestaat in drie eenvoudige stappen
"Als deze drie wetsvoorstellen worden aangenomen, betekent dat in feite dat het recht op privacy is opgeheven. Allerlei organisaties mogen dan in het geniep je persoonsgegevens verzamelen en delen."
If you work with a database and are asked to alter the table structure to comply in advance for citizenship or gender categorizations it's really important to NOT do it.
"The governor is concerned about all this stuff they want us to update our record keeping so we store both gender AND biological sex."
"We need fields to store the country of origin of people's parents."
If you don't have the power to rebuff this yourself, ask for help. At minimum ask for help online anonymously.
“Tech is more political than ever | Go Make Things”
> Sorry in advance for my international readers, but the US being what it is, this probably affects you, too.
Yup. What happens in the US affects all of tech which affects all of us who work in it.
Technical debt collector and general hype-hater. Early 30s, non-binary, ND, poly, relationship anarchist, generally queer.
Sometimes horny on main (behind CW), very much into kink (bondage, freeuse, CNC, and other stuff), and believe it or not, very much a submissive bottom :p
Feel free to flirt, but if you want to actually meet up and/or do something with me, lewd or otherwise, please tell me explicitly or I won't realize :) I'm generally very open to that sort of thing!
Further boundaries: boosts are OK (including for lewd posts), DMs are open. But the devil doesn't need an advocate; I'm not interested in combative arguing in my mentions. I am however happy to explain things in-depth when asked non-combatively.
My spoons are limited, so I may not always have the energy to respond to messages.
Strong views about abolishing oppression, hierarchy, agency, and self-governance - but I also trust people by default and give them room to grow, unless they give me reason not to. That all also applies to technology and how it's built.