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I know the world was objectively a worse, less progressive place, and with much less ozone in the ideal layer for it, but I certainly shouted "oh, fuck off!" a lot less at computers back in the '90s

politics, slightly spicy take 

There is no such thing as 'shifting to the center' politically. Because of the ever-shifting Overton window, you are always shifting either 'left' or 'right' (and right now, it means shifting 'right').

re: uspol, trans document changes (passports, driver's licenses) 

Oh and -- if you have a passport with an "X" gender, I strongly recommend making any trips out of the country one-way for now, as there's some talk of denying re-entry or allowing re-entry but confiscating your passport so you can't leave again.

I don't know how credible those are yet. Just advising caution.

I've also seen it recommended that if you're trans and not a US citizen, that you hold off on any trips to the US at least until things settle down.

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re: uspol, trans passport renewal 

If you're trans / non-binary and your passport renewal application has been delayed or denied due to Trump's executive order, the ACLU would like to speak to you.

@cato Strange company. Public data shows the company works from a private home. And mostly lost money. It never had more than 140k€ in the books per year. There is a second company at the same address, with the same owners. Making even less money.
The Website list lots of different parts, all with generic datasheets, seemingly rebranded with their Logo. Whatever they do, it is really, really strange.

Internet-armoede is gewoon armoede
Net zoals alle vormen van armoede met een term ervoor gewoon armoede is. Uitkeringen en minimumloon omhoog is eerder een oplossing dan voor elke zogenaamde vorm van armoede een apart potje te zoeken.

#throwbackthursday to my birthday hike in 2022. I stopped and took a short nap beside a lake off the trail (as one does). When I woke up there was something large and wet in my arms. I slowly backed up, and there he was - I had been spooning a snapping turtle! I spent a while at that lake, hanging out with my new friend while he swam in circles near the shore. I’ve always wondered what on earth compelled him to curl up in my arms like that.

#hiking #turtle #nature #wildlife

nazis rhetoric and such 

stop implicitly calling old nazis cool and stylish in contrast to modern nazis

trust me, i get what you're saying, but shit like "i bet hitler never grunted to make a sieg heil" to make fun of musk is basically reinforcing the myth.

image is everything to nazis. they do and have always been losers that cared if you thought they were cool.

to talk about their uniforms or whatever grants them this decorum and respect that you can rest assured you do NOT have to give them

Deze doet me denken aan die keer dat ik met een HR manager een voortgangsgesprek had, ooit, bij een groot bedrijf.
Ik deed werk wat ik leuk vond, afwisselend, genoeg uitdaging. Waar ik mezelf over 5 jaar zag: nou, op dezelfde plek, die past me. Had ik dan geen ambitie?? Jawel, om beter te worden in wat ik deed.
Dat telde niet...
Oh well... 🤷🏻

Mention of big tech company and current events (QC) 

Amazon is doing some union-busting bullshit in Quebec

If you have Prime, you can cancel it

You don't need to pay the Amazon rent

Filing the rise of modern fascism entirely under "Polarization" is some neat bookkeeping trick huh

advice, managing volunteer work, anarchism 

Running a volunteer project in an anarchist way doesn't just mean that you declare everyone "equal" and let people sort things out by themselves with no guidance. That gets you debate club, not anarchism.

Far more important is that you balance responsibility and authority - do not give people authority without the corresponding responsibility, and do not give people responsibility without the corresponding authority.

Why? Because people usually need some degree of 'ownership' over the tasks that they take on, otherwise you will get nothing but endless arguments and it's not clear how the outcome is going to be decided, or by whom.

Once you have that balanced correctly, it becomes a matter of keeping tasks (and areas of responsibility) small, and ensuring that nobody has an outsized amount of them - people should not take on more than they can reasonably handle, even if that means that some things don't get done.

Beyond that, you need the usual things in any collective project - a safe, constructive and supportive environment, people to go to for help if you get stuck, and a whole lot of conflict resolution work and training.

pol, boundaries (afk, my feed is nice, i just unfollowed or muted everyone not using cws a long time ago) 

"have you heard what that nazi said!!!"

yeah i actually have. my media consumption habits are questionable some mornings. i know, i know.

but you know what? i would never even consider shoving that piece of news onto other people. especially not marginalized people who know perfectly well how shitty nazis are, and don't need anyone to tell them the latest details. like who even does that. what the fuck.

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Na een bizarre maand vol Big Tech wentelingen in de VS, is nog maar eens gebleken dat Big Tech geen passende platformen biedt voor culturele en maatschappelijke organisaties. Zeker X is een slangenkuil, maar hoe stap je over naar het alternatief Mastodon?

Voor de organisaties die het ook te heet onder de voeten wordt, hebben we een handige eXit folder ontworpen.

Download 'm op onze website!


Every time I see someone bring up "IQ scores" I feel the need to repeat: IQ scores were literally invented by eugenicists and they've always been biased towards privilege

Also if you haven't noticed, once someone starts to believe they're a genius, they start to think a lot less clearly.

Ah yes, graphics programming, where you stare into darkness and try to discern patterns in the shadows

Amazon is so afraid of unions that it's willing to eat the loss on 7 entire warehouses, just to cauterize itself.


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