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my new shoes are comfy in a weird way.. Like, they're comfy on the top?

personal, body, 🥴 (2), medication 

The 'easy' answer to this question is that one of my medications (due to anemia) is epo, the stuff that's also used by eg. cyclists as doping. So clearly that's the explanation, right?

Except I've been using that for almost two years by this point, and I wasn't able to pull myself up before during those two years...

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personal, body, 🥴 

So I am apparently somehow suddenly able to pull myself up by just my arms, on a pull-up bar, almost effortlessly.

I was only barely able to do this before my kidney disease treatment, and haven't been able to do it at all since. But now it's effortless. I have barely done any exercise in that time.


@joepie91 I would like to know where my nearest bomb shelter is, and who is responsible for dealing with holes in dikes. As long as the govt has no such lists for me, I don't take this shit seriously.

This stuff is meant to prepare folks for higher military spending. And it's working. 😑

A society which cannot manage to feed and house its poorest members while there is no material shortage of food or housing is a failed society

One of the many ways in which I think "healthy community moderation" is not really being taken seriously by anyone: the canonical way to design a "you are banned" screen is to simply tell people they are banned without any meaningful information, explanation, option for appeal, nothing.

An actually well-considered ban screen might look something more like: "You have been banned from <thing> for <reason>. You can click this link to learn more about why we do not accept this sort of behaviour in our community, where you will also find a guide on different, healthier ways to deal with situations like this. Once you feel that you've understood the problem and can commit to doing better in the future, this (link) is where you can find the appeal instructions and the conditions for approval."

But I have literally never seen a single social platform, game, or anything else with a screen that even comes close to that.

TIL if the water between denmark and sweden freezes and a swede crosses the ice by foot, danes are legally allowed to beat them with a stick. this is in their constitution

My kingdom for a cool new programming language that doesn't have a flat dependency space and actually supports conflicting versions of transitive dependencies

Thinking about what it would take to make the real world into the "Star Trek future" sort of place where it would be safe to introduce new technology and it wouldn't just be used to oppress

The most essential step in keeping a #journal is simply to write the date each day. It's OK if you don't write anything else. Doing just that says a lot.

Though, often with the date written you can write a bit more. Or draw something.

I used to keep journals for all of my projects but fell out of doing it in my 30s. I've gotten back into it recently and I'm shocked at how powerful of a tool it is to keep focus from one day to the next. To set and reach goals. To process emotions and ideas.

This is extremely cool:

It's a PCB-based 'christmas card' with lights, except it has no battery and pulls energy from radio waves in the air, and you can both power and control it by eg. holding it next to your phone.

From what I understand, the control of the lights doesn't use any actual data connection or pairing, instead the page encodes a modulated signal directly on 2.4GHz by opening a websocket and sending / not sending data in patterns, that the card then extracts and reads!

where are like all the south asian western diaspora trans-femmes who had their gender and sexuality discovery stunted by a mix of garbage media representation and toxic parenting from asian traditions?

like statistically I can't be the only one, there must be others in my situation? no? or am I truly uniquely messed up in this regard?

I feel like I'm screaming into a void sometimes~

So basically if you're vegan, remember to check the label on your margarine! It might be much closer to butter than you realize!

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practically complete extinction of an ethnic group, russia, war in ukraine 

just received news that one of the ppl who died in the invasion against ukraine was Ivan Taigamyr, who belongs to the Kerek people, who are one of the Indigenous nations that live on the territory of so called "russia".

There are only 23 Kerek people left.
None speak the Kerek language fluently.

i read that on the wiki page for Kerek people and my heart just sank.

practically complete extinction of an ethnic group, russia, war in ukraine 

this fascist machine, and its actions in ukraine, does not only threaten ukrainians with extinction, but also destroys indigenous, nonwhite and minority nations in russia by conscripting people who belong to them disproportionately, leaving them to die.

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practically complete extinction of an ethnic group, russia, war in ukraine 

THIS is why i am telling yall that russia is a fascist force. it's a fascist, white supremacist force that mows down everyone who opposes it or in any way isn't russian, white, cis, abled, heterosexual, christian. it's a fucking nightmare made reality.

so many of western leftists online engage in their bullshit campism so much that they decenter the victims of russian/soviet imperialism

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Building a messenger:

- Encryption and key management from
- Lightweight like MS Teams
- Server features and compatibility like Jabber
- Media selector from Signal
- Privacy Policy of Facebook Messenger
- Native SAP
:SAP_woozy: integration
- Built on an ancient Electron version
:woozy_chrome: (Thanks Null)
- adoption rate of De-Mail
- Responsiveness of Nintendo Online Services

Roadmap (thanks Alice):
- Emojis are paywalled like in Discord
- Group chat moderation and organization like IRC

Saw a video about 'preparing for war and crisis' from the Dutch national broadcaster, going into detail about what to stock up on and whatnot. And not a single mention of "get to know your neighbours because you won't make it alone".

What kind of shit-tier disaster preparation advice is this.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.