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"you cannot continue to victimize someone else just because you yourself were a victim once—there has to be a limit"

— Edward Said, a Palestinian-American academic and postcolonial scholar


Today 2K Games and 31st Union join the growing list of organized workers in Spain 🔥

At a time when individualization prevails and we only hear talk of profit margins, losses, and layoffs, we believe that the only way to assert our interests as workers is by standing united.

#2K #31stUnion #gamedev #unionize

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University of California does this stuff all the time. Signs on renovation projects talk about all the extras for abled people, but "ADA restrooms" for wheelchair users and that's it for accessibility. What the fuck kind of vision for a public institution is that?

Please develop the powers to notice these things that keep getting normalized in plain sight.

Abled folks usually assume ADA is enforced - that there's some kind of ADA sheriff disabled people have on speed dial. No. #Ableism

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This sort of stuff slips right by abled people all the time, but I want you to really think about it.

ADA was signed into law July 26, 1990. The refurbishment happened in 2023. 33 years after ADA.

Which laws do I get to wait 33 years before complying with?

And why do they always mention "ADA-compliant" instead of anything greater than "Oh, I can fit my wheelchair into a bathroom stall finally!" Accessibility & inclusion is SO MUCH MORE than "ADA-compliant". #Transportation #Urbanism #Ableism

it's kind of messed up to just use an ai transcription service and then leave it at that. you gotta at least go through and edit that thing meticulously. i'm tired of seeing videos put up with lazy captions. the hard of hearing deserve better and it's useful to everyone else too

As an adult I am embarrassed to say that I learned very late how to care for my teeth.

I wrote this short post to share what I have learned.

Idea: a web search engine that has an index of exactly 256GB. As soon as it's full, it starts throwing away old index data and replaces it with new items. The same query might result in completely different results the next day.

Voor wie altijd al wilde weten wat in de zomer de goedkoopste route was van Augusta Treverorum naar Antiochia.

(Een vriendin stuurde me de link in met de woorden 'ik denk dat jij dit ook leuk vindt'. Ze had gelijk.)

It's okay to be a bit broken sometimes. I believe we all are at various points in our lives. It's not a permanent state. We can work on healing if we want to.

It's not okay to be unaccountable though. When you won't take responsibility for your words and actions, that's when you do irreparable harm to those around you. That's when repair takes a back seat and people have to protect themselves from you.

Good morning. Today I got a very interesting response to a freedom of information request from Transport for Wales.

They pay almost £800,000 per year to an external contractor for "revenue protection" (which means enforcing ticket fines).

They earn ~£80,000 per year from ticket fines and penalty fares.

Which means they're paying ten times what they're making back from this process.

FOI response:

Edit: petition in thread

#trains #transport #politics #wales #cymru

I think one of my favourite things about regularly cycling into town is that I actually see people. Not people I know. Just people. Like the guy with the plushie mouse on his hat (why?) who uses the library on Mondays. Or the kid today who was showing everyone in the square his remote control car (I did my best to show appropriate awe and wonder, though I suck at interacting with children).

I don't even want to interact with people much. It's just nice to see strangers again.

There are times when I can't believe how much effort it takes to argue for things like bike lanes and public transit, in the face of relentless news about climate disasters, record temperatures, and so on. The evidence is all right before us. *Some* of the actions we can take are very cheap. These choices should be completely obvious and undeniable. #Berkeley #ClimateEmergency

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Idea: a web search engine that has an index of exactly 256GB. As soon as it's full, it starts throwing away old index data and replaces it with new items. The same query might result in completely different results the next day.

Made my first piece of generative art (as in algorithmic art, not the NFT crap), with plain javascript and HTML canvas.

I forgot everything about trig and I really must re-learn it, this one was almost pure luck. But this is exciting stuff!

#drawtober - 14: trails

Heartbreaking: An interesting personal site you've found doesn't have a RSS feed, so you'll forget about it one day.

More explanation: they tested a monitor in an environmental chamber at -40 C and it started showing red ghost banding exactly like my phone has been doing since the screen replacement. Their explanation was that the driver was having trouble driving the crystals hard enough to twist them under those temperatures.

This made me think back to the correlation I'd noticed where my screen exhibited more banding issues when the phone was stored in a warm area (even if the screen was turned off!), and the replacement screen was missing a foam pad on the back that the original screen did have.

I think the pad was meant to insulate the screen against heat from the SoC to prevent it from getting warm enough to cause driver issues? And now that protection isn't there, and so whenever the phone is warm, it's causing the screen to have issues.

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In which an LTT shitpost video led to figuring out the likely reason that my new phone screen is having issues with color stripes

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