
Idea: a web search engine that has an index of exactly 256GB. As soon as it's full, it starts throwing away old index data and replaces it with new items. The same query might result in completely different results the next day.

· · Web · 4 · 2 · 4 it'd probably just give you no or less relevant results for anything uncommon and work fine for common searches

@joepie91 Some say this is exactly what happened at Google ;)

@whreq I imagine their index is a little bigger than 256GB though!

@joepie91 Not the impression I've gotten the past few years ;)

@jacksonchen666 I feel like this would both create interesting results (something perhaps philosophically closer to the "site of the day" lists that used to exist on the early internet?) and be relatively easy to run a custom variant of on a cheap server, for anyone with a few bucks to spare, moreso with an even smaller index!

Would probably need some unusual scraping logic though, like for example preferring following a random external link on a site instead of an internal link, if there are any, so that most sites would only have one or a few pages actually indexed

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