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NMBS has these paid bike parking spaces. Who would design a system for bike parkings? Apparently nobody as the system asks for a car license plate 🤣

Love how Thunderbird just randomly freezes for seconds at a time while I'm trying to write an e-mail.

(Do not love it)

You can tell my Linux laptop did not shut down correctly because my laptop bag is warm to the touch more than an hour and a half after I asked it to shut down

💊 Denk mee over drugsregulering in de pop-up XTC-winkel. De XTC-winkel is open van 16 oktober tot en met 24 november.

So people are saying I should introduce myself:

My name is Imani aka AngryBlackLady.

Abortion rights are pretty much my entire personality.

I'm a lawyer, SCOTUS nerd, a journalist, and an expert in repro rights and justice and related law.

I am Editor-at-Large at Rewire News Group—the only nonprofit publication dedicated to repro rights health and justice.

I co-host a podcast called Boom! Lawyered with Jess Mason Pieklo.

I have three rescue dogs and I live outside Boulder, Colorado.

WTF kind of measurement unit is this for a supposedly academic paper?!

What is the most inappropriate connector with enough pins to support USB-C?

I suggest:

Brief van Ons Buurtje.
Of zich buren willen melden voor een schoonmaakactie. Met gratis koffie, thee, en...







Mijn mond viel echt open.
Hoe attent is DIT?!
Het is dat er bladblazers worden ingezet, anders had ik me aangemeld. Helaas wil mijn oor dit soort dingen niet.

cheap airline question (Ryanair) 

so they say I either have to print the thing or use the app; anyone got experience with just putting the PDF on the screen? 🤔

Onze huisarts stopt. Long covid. 🥺

Our website has a new links section: started a cute button wall :D

I encourage everyone to start one and I'd love to add your button to our collection. Let me know if you have one!

#88x31 #ButtonWall #IndieWeb #SmallWeb

i will concede the GPL may discourage some corporates from using the software. we have seen that it doesn’t stop them.

I will relay what another software developer told me- someone who has put more thought and effort into the problem of corporations using code than I have:

Focus on making software that very specifically isn’t useful to corporations and capital.

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to pad this out a bit

if i am considering using your software

and I see that the software is using the GPL

my task as a woman, and a trans person, is to find out, culturally, why your software project chose that license, and is sticking with that license.

Is it because the idea of software freedom and hostility to corporations appeals to you

or is it the GPL community’s culture of extreme hostility to women and other minorities that appealed to you, and continues to appeal to you.

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Today is my std testing day - friendly reminder if you don't and are doing silky gay or non gay things: consider

airborne infections 

it’s mind boggling how many people are chain coughing on this freakin‘ S-Bahn. NONE of them wears a face cover of any sorts. It’s respirator season again!!

Now that shapeways is dead, is there a good place for metal 3D printing in Europe? (Preferably including jewelry type metals) #help #3dprinting

I know a lot of y’all are probably reeling from that Stallman report and I’ve even seen people remarking on how no one was listening until now.

What you need to understand is that the things in that report have been known, widely, for many years. They are not “open secrets”. They are things people have actively tried to address, at significant scale, many many times. Some of those times even resulted in (brief) consequences.

The man Is like a cockroach in more ways than I care to describe and what we should all be noticing here is the how incredibly impossible it is to remove an influential white man from power and have him face real consequences. He’s not even remotely rich.

The people defending him aren’t turning a blind eye. They are actively, knowingly enabling him. And that’s not because they care about the movement…

…it’s because they know they are like him, and if he suffers consequences, they’ll be next. And that just won’t do. They don’t give a shit about a “movement” that’s basically petered out by now.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.