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polycule/household management, ADHD 

After many iterations of trying to make chores happen pretty reliably and not get forgotten, in a household of 4 executively-dysfunctional ADHD creatures (me included)...

We seem to have found a way that works! At least for the regular/maintenance chores. Simply a table of chores, with 7 sets of 2 columns; one set for each day of the week, divided into "claimed" and "completed".

Whoever 'claims' a chore is responsible for its completion to the end (by doing it or delegating it under mutual agreement), and whoever actually does it (can be multiple creatures!) signs their letter in the relevant box(es).

By the end of the day, we can see exactly who did what chores, which ones were delegated, which ones were forgotten, and so on. And if something wasn't done quite right, we know who to talk to about it and clarify things.

Combined with some other (individual) adjustments, we seem to be climbing ever closer towards a daily 100% completion rate :)

Some of these chores don't strictly *need* to be done every day (could be every two days for example), but for the sake of habit building they're marked as daily chores anyway, if they're found unnecessary then a dash is put in the completion box for that chore/day to denote that.

The list is magneted to the fridge, with a pen immediately nearby at all times, and gets replaced with a clean printout at the start of every week.


VPN ads from English speaking youtubers: you ever got mad that there are not enough Netflix shows?

24/7 VPN users from totalitarian countries: I just want to fucking use the internet

“But we can’t have [technological or other achievement] without horrific exploitation!”

My sibling in Isis, if human ingenuity can create it, human ingenuity can figure out how NOT to be crappy about it. Or how to substitute something *even better*. Respect yourself—and your species—a little more.

"Geen vervolgopleiding, wel migratieachtergrond? Grotere kans op celstraf" - een artikel over klassenjustitie (o.a. racisme) in Nederland. De video is ook zeker het kijken waard.

I'm pretty annoyed RE my #COVID infection.... I think I know who I caught it from. A friend of mine spotted me on campus and walked up to me while my mask was off, and by the time he was in my face I realised he had covid symptoms.

Like why do people lack basic fucking germ theory knowledge?! It's 2024, and IMO, its incredibly fucking rude to breathe in the face of anyone while youre symptomatic with any contagious disease!!!!

[picking up the phone]
ryanair hiring manager: our other candidate fell through, are you still interested in this role? we can pay you €50,000
me: sorry, since you didn't make me an offer right away, i'm now demanding at least €90,000

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[interviewing for the position of UX Designer at Ryanair]
interviewer: tell me about your last role
me: I added 7 screens to the checkout flow and single-handedly reduced customer satisfaction by 63%
interviewer: [gasping excitedly] when can you start

Instead of my rant, I present to you this beauty. Frontend development is great.


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Anyway if you think the "danger, Will Robinson" styling of CWs in the new Masto skin is as dismissive as it is infantilising - or it's just not for your site - drop the css in reply into your custom css and be :amaze:

wuvoo, kiss kiss

@joepie91 Haha ik weet nog dat ik in de brugklas bij economie deze termen leerde en dat ik toen heel erg in de war was om deze reden. En de docent begreep mijn verwarring niet.

Seems to suggest a disconnect between the dev team and the user community, but what do I know?

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It's amusing how, after each Masto update, my feed turns into a chorus of "suck it, website boy!" as admins sort out how to override and undo this version's nasty UX surprises and questionable choices.

I've arrived back in London a bit earlier than intended

wait a second..

fediverse CW field curb cut effect

yes, you can use the CW tool to give content warnings for material that requires content warnings, like news stories about ongoing atrocities or unsolicited suggestions to strangers

...but now that the technology exists, you can also use it for literally any information you want to offer to contextualize the post for those reading it

we love using the CW field to say when we're novice-blogging (talking about something we're not very knowledgeable about), as a kind of tone-indicator thing when we're posting brain nonsense, when we just feel self-conscious about taking up space ... it's handy

Kwam deze tegen in het Duits:

Vertaling: "Ik ben van mening dat men in het Duits de term 'werkgever' zou moeten vermijden, omdat het een ideologisch gekleurde term is die de indruk wekt dat de 'werkgever' zo aardig is om de 'werknemer' (dat heet een arbeider, verdomme) een baan aan te bieden, en daarmee geheel voorbij gaat aan de uitbuiting en dwang die aan het kapitalisme ten grondslag liggen.

Tegenvoorstel: 'arbeidskoper', afkomstig uit het taalgebruik van de Zweedse arbeidersbeweging (Duits: 'Arbeitskäufer', Zweeds: 'arbedsköpare')."

Prima punt eigenlijk, en ook van toepassing op het Nederlands.

Companies that let you do everything from their web site *except* unsubscribe, and then take several days to respond to the unsubscribe request can get in the bin 🚮

I'm taking bets for the next 20 seconds as to whether this ~ 16 years old blank CD will burn without errors.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.