
polycule/household management, ADHD 

After many iterations of trying to make chores happen pretty reliably and not get forgotten, in a household of 4 executively-dysfunctional ADHD creatures (me included)...

We seem to have found a way that works! At least for the regular/maintenance chores. Simply a table of chores, with 7 sets of 2 columns; one set for each day of the week, divided into "claimed" and "completed".

Whoever 'claims' a chore is responsible for its completion to the end (by doing it or delegating it under mutual agreement), and whoever actually does it (can be multiple creatures!) signs their letter in the relevant box(es).

By the end of the day, we can see exactly who did what chores, which ones were delegated, which ones were forgotten, and so on. And if something wasn't done quite right, we know who to talk to about it and clarify things.

Combined with some other (individual) adjustments, we seem to be climbing ever closer towards a daily 100% completion rate :)

Some of these chores don't strictly *need* to be done every day (could be every two days for example), but for the sake of habit building they're marked as daily chores anyway, if they're found unnecessary then a dash is put in the completion box for that chore/day to denote that.

The list is magneted to the fridge, with a pen immediately nearby at all times, and gets replaced with a clean printout at the start of every week.


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