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please boost for more answers 🙏🏾

just trying to gauge if people feel something like I do:

when you see your name written somewhere, do you "feel it in your heart" ?(like a pull or a strong identification with it. it is really fucking hard for me to describe it)

given name, chosen name or... something else.

Boost with CW: ableism, covid, responses to mistaken beliefs about what chronic illness is like

The developers of that revival engine were pretty pissed off about the leak and said the launcher is "incomplete" and that it never should've been released, and that they're still working "behind the scenes" and made "a lot of progress" in it...

It's been DECADES since then and nothing else really materialized from it, and the launcher honestly works flawlessly for most of us, so honestly if it weren't for the leak many of us would've never gotten to use it at all :/

To elaborate: When EA shut it down in 2003, one of its developers got pissed off and leaked a developer build of the game that has (VERY) limited offline playability.

Then, later, some people tried to work on a revival engine for it, but it became vaporware and never amounted to anything... then its developers had a schism and one of them leaked the mostly-functional GUI launcher for playing it in single-player... purely out of spite.

And now everyone who still plays the game nowadays uses it!

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I know nobody really cares about this stuff, but

I find it both funny and sad that the only reason I can even still play Motor City Online nowadays is because of two different people leaking important files out of spite

Want to say to anybody who is disabled and financially struggling:

You didn't fail. Society fails. There is enough money to take care of you. Please don't add self-blame and self-doubt to your struggles.

Society failed you. They chose to not see your needs.

Check in with the caretaker friend in your group

The person who seems to have it together more than the others. Check in with that person.

vegan cooking tip; egg replacement 

Need to replace egg in a recipe? Try flaxseed!

Supposedly you can mix flaxseed flour with water and it becomes an egg-like substance, but we don't have it in flour form here, only semi-crushed, so I worked out a different solution: boiling it!

Add a little bit of flaxseed (a tablespoon or two) into a pan, add enough water to submerge it but not very much more, then stir and boil it until it becomes an irritatingly gooey substance that's difficult to get off your stirring implement.

Far as I can tell, it's a 1:1 match for egg in terms of texture/consistency/structure. I've used it to great success in pancake batter!

being a programmer is hard when you wanna share your work like your arty friends but your program output looks like this and no one will ever understand or appreciate the complexity involved

staying cool in the heat poverty hacks:

- black out your windows with foil, cardboard, blankets. make your space as dark as possible. light = heat.
- unplug all electronics. laptop chargers, phone charges, lamps and lights and appliances you aren't using. every plugged-in electronic item in your space is generating heat.
- overfill your fridge/ freezer if possible. fridges can die in the extreme heat and the more physical stuff in there the easier it is for the fridge / freezer to stay cool. freeze bulk water bottles for yourself or your pets.

feel free to add more heatwave survival tips in the comments. 🖤 :anarchism:

Imagine how different tech spaces could be if folks developed identities that aren’t “I am the tools that I use.”

I’m not saying don’t be amazing at using those tools and be known for being so. I’m just saying don’t be a tool.

: What are your 'comfort games'? I'm especially curious about anything that has some sort of crafting or building mechanic (it can be an unusual one!) :boost_requested:

Snark about so much of Open Science advocacy 

Before you do your Open Science advocacy thing, may I suggest that you ask yourself this question:

Are you just harassing early career researchers and students who don't get to make decisions about these things?

And if the answer is "no," ask yourself:

Really? Are you sure? Maybe double-check.


I hate that when I write a particularly good email at work, nowadays everyone will just assume I used ChatGPT. Even if I’m still better at it than the bot. Something I’ve always taken pride in has been commoditized. Without getting into whether or not that’s good for the world, it’s a bad feeling for me personally.

Heeft iemand van jullie wel eens mensen met de auto naar station Gouda gebracht en kun je bevestigen dat je daar gewoon van zuid naar noord doorheen kan teleporteren? Apple Maps denkt dat het kan namelijk.

A TV show about a group of trans people who all live together in a run-down house/apartment, and they live the daily struggle but still manage to find beauty, laughter, and joy between the ugliness, struggle, and sorrow of it all.

From Life With a Side of the Unexpected:

"A lot of disabilities are invisible. Your reaction to them isn't."

#DisabilityPrideMonth #InvisibleDisabilities

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Lieve mensen. Ik begrijp dat je niet de tekst van een halve krantenpagina als alt-text kunt toevoegen, maar plak dan in iedergeval de link naar dat artikel. Met in de alt-text de woorden 'Zie link in bericht'.

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