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The fact that NASA operates an official youtube account that doesn't also provide direct download links for all videos, and isn't mirrored anywhere non-proprietary should be illegal.

I shouldn't have to make money for google in order to view NASA content. I shouldn't have to subject myself to youtube DRM in order to watch NASA content. I should be able to download any video NASA produces, since NASA can't own a copyright on them.

I submit this thread for nomination as one of the most iconic threads of the post-2022 fedi era. What a journey from @sundogplanets

more shows like the expanse, please!

sci-fi with real people having real problems in a society and moral culture that's at least somewhat plausible for the far future

covid, poll, pls boost 

to the entities rhat are woozy/eepy all the time... was that already before y'all had covid?

Agree with @baconandcoconut who mentioned on the #EuroPython panel about OSS that we shouldn’t celebrate if ppl are able to maintain a library alone for 20 y, we should instead celebrate if they manage to get more ppl on board, divide responsibility, delegate, and over time pass the project on someone else, ideally a team. Over my volunteering career I learned that if the thing I built would die with me, I didn’t actually manage to build it yet. It’s not done until it lives without me involved.

We're pleased to announce the official release of #Lix 2.90 "Vanilla Ice Cream".

This release contains several new features, many bug fixes, as well as overall improved performance over CppNix 2.18. It is a drop in replacement.

Some highlights include:
- the debugger works properly
- repl-overlays may be used to add shortcuts to the repl environment
- :doc in the repl works on lambdas now
- `nix flake lock --update-input nixpkgs` is now `nix flake update nixpkgs`

it's called the "user agent" in the specs for a reason, and i'm not talking about the string

Voor een (journalistiek) stukje ben ik op zoek naar organisaties die op het punt staan hun email te migreren naar Microsoft of Google, of dat net gedaan hebben. En die mogelijk publiekelijk kunnen vertellen over het waarom, of de problemen die ze eerder hadden. Mail is welkom op of op Signal BertHubert.72 - dank u!

There's this guy on Youtube with a bunch of shorts showing a house being 3D-printed, and *every single one* of the videos has a comment section filled with people pointing out the obvious and disastrous issues with the construction quality.

And the dude just keeps posting new ones and going "it's the future, just you wait". Unbelievable.

Today I learned: the `dateTime` XML type is almost *but not quite* the ISO 8601 format.

This discovery brought to you by my database mysteriously producing null results on dateTime comparisons.

Here's a fun challenge: in , how do you determine whether a given value is an object literal (or equivalently plain object)?

Cursed nix tips: Do you know of a predefined function that gives higher priority than mkForce? mkVMOverride!

De klantmanager beweert dat het verplicht is, maar zet niets op papier, geen beschikking, geen contract, helemaal niets. Zonder rekening te houden met de mogelijkheden van de man wordt hij onder druk gezet om nog meer vrijwilligerswerk te doen.

Fun printer fact: laser printer "toner" is actually very fine plastic powder! The printer uses Laser Magic to put it on the paper in the right places, then feeds it to something called a fuser. What's a fuser? Why, it's a whacking great heat lamp that literally melts the plastic onto the paper.

So, what happens if the fuser fails? Did you guess that the toner falls off the paper and gets absolutely fucking everywhere? Because that's what it does!

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hey fedi can yall help me out? a story went around a while back, where some state's government was working on passing a bill that requires durable medical equipment (ie, wheelchair) repairs to have wait times within weeks, rather than months

i can't find it, don't remember what state, what phase the bill was in/if it passed, etc

edit: someone found it!!! thanks yall!!!

Oxigraph is bafflingly fast. I'm very curious whether it's going to keep up its current level of performance as the database grows...

it's fucking wild to me that we have a real life Voight-Kampff test and it fucking works

programming troubles 

Me, two weeks ago: "I've written this one universal buffer implementation to replace the 5 ad-hoc buffer implementations, because if anything goes wrong it's really hard to debug those"

Also me: "Hmm I've been debugging this weird issue for an hour now, I can't seem to figure out where it's coming from, oh wait it's in one of the ad-hoc buffer implementations that I hadn't gotten around to replacing with the new one yet"

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.