
vegan cooking tip; egg replacement 

Need to replace egg in a recipe? Try flaxseed!

Supposedly you can mix flaxseed flour with water and it becomes an egg-like substance, but we don't have it in flour form here, only semi-crushed, so I worked out a different solution: boiling it!

Add a little bit of flaxseed (a tablespoon or two) into a pan, add enough water to submerge it but not very much more, then stir and boil it until it becomes an irritatingly gooey substance that's difficult to get off your stirring implement.

Far as I can tell, it's a 1:1 match for egg in terms of texture/consistency/structure. I've used it to great success in pancake batter!

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vegan cooking tip; egg replacement 

@joepie91 Ok, will try. =)

vegan cooking tip; egg replacement 

@joepie91 i misread this and was wondering what trans entities that aren't aware they're trans have to do with cooking

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