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Er zijn nog steeds mensen die geloven dat je nooit klappen krijgt van de ME als je zelf geweldloos bent, met andere woorden, klappen krijgen = eigen schuld.

Die mensen moeten eens wat vaker buiten komen.

Here's a reminder, EVs are not here to save the environment, they are here to save the car industry.

De universiteit Leiden adverteert vandaag met mij op Facebook. De werkelijkheid is dat ik al 8 jaar geen voet meer in die universiteit heb gezet (en voor het maken van bijv. dit filmpje hebben ze me nooit enige steun gegeven).

A two-year study with over half a million children aged 0-5 finds nigh-irrefutable evidence that COVID-19 was behind the 2022 surge of RSV infections and hospitalizations.

It's not immunity debt, it's immunity theft. COVID-19 damages the immune and respiratory symptoms, leaving the body less capable of fending off other pathogens and resulting in more severe downstream infections.

"Immunity debt" is disinformation.

nix, lix 

It sure is remarkable how people are claiming "Lix doesn't seem to have done anything yet except rebrand Nix", when there's literally patches submitted to Nix that originate from Lix development... like, have you actually looked at anything at all or are you just looking for excuses to dismiss the fork?

Tokyo: where your gps is a magic eight ball and your watch always thinks you’re on an indoor walk

@eniko I will forever stand 100% by what my favorite professor once said:

“The more symbols I see on your paper, the less interested I am in reading what you have to say. If you can’t express your idea in plain simple words, reevaluate what you’re trying to say. Ideas are meant to be conveyed, not deciphered” (paraphrased a bit because this was like 4 years ago)

people always tell me "mathematical notation is just like jargon, its just more efficient." no, mathematical notation is not like jargon

1. jargon are words. anyone can put a word into a search engine and find a glossary of terms explaining what that jargon word means in some context. you can't do that with math notation unless you already know math notation

2. jargon is almost never overloaded like mathematical notation is. the same letter or piece of punctuation can mean wildly different things in wildly different context or even can vary based on the *font the symbol is displayed in*

imagine if someone in software engineering used the symbol ⍼ instead of "garbage collector", except it only maps to "garbage collector" if it's written in sans serif. if it's written with serif, it means "compute shader" instead. but if its in comic sans it means "SIMD divide"

and also 98% of the time they used the ⍼ symbol it was inserted as a picture, not a copy/pastable unicode glyph. *that's* math notation

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anytime you hear "no politics", you're hearing the oppressor


They talked a lot about the cognitive dissonance that people are feeling, and how this might explain some of the truly bizarre behavior people are displaying. People whose opinion of Israel is clashing with what they're seeing are experiencing real stress

That's true, but it's also true that making the whole discussion about that is insulting and ridiculous.

You *should* be feeling mental discomfort as you process these feelings. But people in Gaza shouldn't be starving

You should always be running the latest version of any software program.

Sure, until #accessibility for disabled users goes down the pisser and they're left feeling frustrated, upset, worried and confused as to how long it'll take for the shit they rely on every day to be usable again.

I rely on subtitles for everything, it feels so fucked to put an accessibility thing behind a paywall

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Lang geleden heb ik de open-source-licentie-keuzestress opgelost door het aan de distributeur over te laten: kies je eigen favoriete licentie uit de lange van het Open Source Initiative.

Wat een simpele oplossing leek, blijkt te leiden tot uitgebreide discussies onder mensen die zich met licenties bezig houden.

Nu 17 jaar later blijkt iemand daarvoor een SPDX tag te hebben aangevraagd. Die is goedgekeurd. Mijn modules zijn nu te taggen als "any-OSI" :)

evergreen subtoot 

If you're blaming the most vulnerable people for the failure of your movement, that doesn't actually make you insightful, it just makes you the asshole

A moderator of a FB group I frequent has fallen headlong into the “politeness” trap, insisting that participants observe “civility” and “manners” when they post.

Many of you probably already recognize that #politeness is a trap. It is a tool used by aristocrats and the powerful to silence dissent, by protesting *how* the oppressed choose to cry, instead of dealing with *why* they cry. Southern slaveowners were probably the most polite bunch of folks you’ll ever know.

Focus on what’s important: kindess, empathy, respect, tolerance. And tell politeness to go fuck itself.

Devs: You know what? Fine! I'm outta here. I realize now that never should've taken this deal. I'm gonna make my own Torment Nexus. It's gonna be better than this one too. And it's gonna be totally free! So people don't have to depend on big corporations like this one. I'm gonna build tech that let's people choose when and how to torment themselves! That's the world I wanna live in.


Devs: We've finally got the thing that's definitely not a Torment Nexus you and running.

That's awesome! We're gonna make a ton of money from tormenting people. They keep asking for it for any reason.

Devs: Speaking of money, I think I deserve a raise.

Absolutely not? Did you even do any work? Also, this thing requires the power of a small country to do even a small amount of tormenting. It's costing us billions. We're gonna have to let you go.

Devs: Ok, I'll help you build Torment Nexus. Just so we're clear, you can't just lay me off after we've get the thing up and running.

Oh, we're definitely gonna do that.

Devs: That seems harsh. Then I don't want to be blamed for it when it starts hurting people.

Well who else would we blame? You built that damn thing! And if I'm not mistaken, a bunch of people warned you not to. I'm afraid this ones on you champ.

Devs: Fine! Can I at least get an office with a door that closes?

lol, no.

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Will you help us build the Torment Nexus?

Devs: What?! Absolutely not!

What if we paid you $1 million a year?

Devs: It's not about the money. My reputation is at stake!

You could tell people you had no choice.

Devs: I won't be responsible for building the Torment Nexus. It's evil!

Oh... well you know it won't look like a Torment Nexus until much later. Right now it's just a cool toy that makes up answers to silly questions.

Devs: Haha, this thing is cool. Wait, what were we talking about?

If you're just going to call anything that uses electricity "electronics" then I'm going to call anything that uses gravity "gravitronics".

My drip coffee maker?
Gravitronic coffee maker.

That grandfather clock?
Gravitronic clock.

The slide on the children's play set?
Gravitronicly-powered play.

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