
Reposting something here that I wrote for a conversation elsewhere. It's not going to provide any new insights here, I'm just happy that I finally managed to put it all into one coherent point. Edited for punctuation.


I have a real problem with the normative culture of "having an opinion about everything", especially from white dudes - at no point do people ask themselves "am I actually qualified to cast an opinion on this, or should I defer my judgment to someone who is materially affected by it and who will be familiar with the details?", instead it is just assumed that "everyone" (read: white men) have a fundamental right to Have An Opinon, and do so loudly, and that it should be taken into account regardless of qualifications or skin in the game.

This is so culturally embedded that even people who do not *intend* to disrupt discussions still end up doing so by displaying the above behaviour, detracting from the subject matter experts, and refusing to ever trust anyone's word on anything unless *they, personally* feel that they fully understand and agree with it. And this happens at such a scale that it is almost impossible to defend against.

That problem makes an appearance in the discourse for just about every marginalized group in some form or another, *and outside of that too*, down to things like technical conversations where people get irritated by people chiming in with useless commentary that wasn't asked for while someone is trying to figure something out.

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