
Lot of "I don't really understand what this is about but I'm going to insert my opinion anyway" going around in land lately

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Like, I'm fine with people newly getting involved in the conversation, but when it's so clear that this is a long-running situation, do your fucking homework first before commenting the same tired takes we've heard a hundred times before


@joepie91 sounds like it's about flakes?


@hllizi Nope, it's about the moderation/governance shitshow


@joepie91 ah, ok, nothing technical then. Only heard that something was going on in this direction, didn't have the energy to get involved.


@joepie91 @hllizi are they related (flakes and moderation status)? it seems as if the current stasis flakes are in are due to a clash between detsys and the rest of nix (i might've done the thing you specifically wanted people not to do whoops)


@not-leader @joepie91 I understood the OT to be about people giving answers rather than about people asking questions.


@not-leader @hllizi They're related indirectly; both have a causal link to fundamental governance issues, but they are still separate issues.

(I'm fine with people asking questions btw, it's mostly the "barreling ahead with loud opinions with no insight" that's been bothering me.)

Joking, dry sarcasm 

@joepie91 Well, as someone who's never contributed to any official NixOS repo, never submitted an issue, never donated to or even interacted directly with the NixOS Foundation, doesn't know who the project creator is, has never been to NixCon, and doesn't even use NixOS except for like one day when I tried it on my dusty Raspberry Pi, here's why you're dumb and wrong:

(/s if needed)

@joepie91 I have used NixOS for a couple years now but I haven’t really followed the conversation. I looked at the open letter & found it convincing… (I’ve contributed a bit)

Is there somewhere I can learn more? I’m vaguely annoyed & aware of the tense atmosphere enough to consider Guix as an alternative.

@anselmschueler It depends a lot on the specific sub-crisis that you're asking about; there's not really any central documentation of the issues with eelco that I know of (besides the letter), but for eg. the moderation issues, the discussions in RFC98 are a pretty good first insight in how long this crap has been going on for

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