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@ fedi anarchists 

You all should do a challenge where you're not allowed to cite white anarchists for a week

hello math and science nerd friends

I have a sudden burning desire to learn basic physics. are there any great online tools for this, particularly for someone who actually learns really well via textbooks and quizzes, but doesn't have much ability to "book" free time in advance?

also, what level of math would I need to brush up on, and where might you suggest I do that?

I'm up for unusual suggestions, but I don't have a lot of money and the #1 thing I don't want (the reason I abandoned the library-book approach) is some high-level philosophical bullshit about space. I do not care about the origins of life right now, I care about being able to comprehend energy and mass and various forces so I can then later find out why that was three levels of oversimplification. :blobcatmaths:

Former #ADSBExchange feeders are moving to a new server, Coverage is light right now, but hopefully more feeders will come online soon.

If you're feeding #ADSB, please consider adding or switching by pointing to

need something that just reverberates "wake up Neo" in my ears every time I can't focus because i feel seepy

So here's a quick straw poll - please answer with your first thought, *without* looking it up first! :boost_requested:

Are Github the creators of Git?

With all the recent tech layoffs, I am reminded of this idea:

Workers feel they have no need to organize in prosperous times when work is abundant and wages are fair.

Workers feel they have no Ability to organize in lean times, when layoffs are abundant and wages are contracting.

In both cases, we are wrong. The best time to start organizing was years ago, but the next best time is now.

I don't care what industry you're in, or how comfortable your job is.

The people, united, will never be defeated.

@gsuberland My second petition is an expanded network of train washes.

My third petition is to let me ride the train through the train wash. I WILL PAY TO RIDE THE TRAIN THROUGH THE TRAIN WASH.

re: github, angry 


> GitHub is the home of all developers

This sentence gives me chills. My "home" should be a place I own or have security of tenure in, and not a place where people I don't know wander by unannounced to nick my stuff (for "training data")

re: subtoot 

Like don't get me wrong, there is obviously nothing wrong with being openly ND, nor with trying to help others with it.

But all these "neurodiversity coaches" always have such a slimy vibe of trying to build a 'brand' on people's disabilities, they don't actually support or inspire grassroots organizing, and the pricing of their sessions is typically so prohibitively high that it ends up being a service only available to wealthy nerds.

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Ugh I've spotted the first overt "neurodiversity coach" on fedi

Read my lips:

An audio show that can only be played in an Apple player on an Apple device is not a podcast.

An audio show that can only be played in Spotify is not a podcast.

Repeat ad nauseam for any other proprietary audio show platforms.

A #podcast is an #RSS feed with enclosures of audio files which are playable across the whole ecosystem of podcast players.

Any reporter who reports on exclusive audio shows and calls them “podcasts” are doing a grave disservice to their audience.

I love how this idea of the "deep state" is based on the assumption that someone was hiding something

I picture someone opening their computer for the first time, finding the notherboard and processor unit and the hard drive and graphics card and all that stuff, and making a big deal out of it, calling it the "deep computer"

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just chilling in the same room with someone can be a form of intimacy

Lieve mensen, ik ben er weer. Om 7 uur van mijn bed gelicht door op deur bonzende smerissen die eruit zagen alsof ze een maffiabaas kwamen arresteren. Om een uur 5 vrij, met gebiedsverbod van 3 mnd. voor deel DH rond A12 en foon in beslaggenomen om te proberen erin te komen.

Ben je een boer met een trekker, heb je geen respect voor de leefbaarheid van deze planeet en wel snelwegblokkadeplannen, dan word je onder politiebegeleiding naar de plaats des onheils gebracht. Ben je een klimaatactivist met alleen je eigen lijf om in te zetten ten behoeve van de leefbaarheid van deze planeet en heb je snelwegblokkadeplannen, dan word je door de politie van je bed gelicht en krijg je preventief een gebiedsverbod.

Twee zinnen die duidelijk maken hoe verrot/verrut dit land is.

reminder that individualism is a lie. it always has been and it's repurposed to dismantle community building.

no person ever birthed themselves. they did not feed themselves. they did not create their own language. even the idea of individualism is an idea adopted from their peers. they do not build their own houses, grow their own food, build their own vehicles, or drive on roads they built. the idea of the rugged individual is a *fucking lie* and you should call anyone who promotes it a liar.

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