
meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

Heads-up for any folks on I would recommend picking a different instance, as it seems likely that it'll get defederated from quite a few places at some point.

They seem to not only be happy with corporate accounts[1], but also apparently seek to "introduce trust with corporations" [and draw them to fedi?], which uhhhh yeah no.

This is a space for people, not for corporations. Let's not repeat the errors of the FOSS community (that eventually led to near-total corporate capture of FOSS) by inviting corporations into our spaces, not even "as long as they play nice".


re: meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

Can the corporate apologists kindly stop replying to this with some variation of "not all corporations are bad"?

You are not telling me anything I haven't heard a thousand times in my time on this earth, and there is a *reason* I am not considering it as a valid counterargument.

Maybe think about why that is, before assuming that I must just be clueless on the matter.

meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@joepie91 some people have truly learned absolutely nothing about inviting corporations into open source projects

re: meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@hazel It's truly depressing.

meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@joepie91 for fuck’s sake!!!

meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@joepie91 that's disappointing, there's quite a few people in the rust community on there that I'm following but no way do i want to stay federating with an instance that hosts corps....

@joepie91 @balrogboogie It would be acceptable if we didn't have largish instances, and we didn't want to grow the community

"This person hosts corporate emails", wtf

Go defederate with Office365 and try to feel useful

meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@joepie91 I'm pretty new to Mastodon. What is the problem with having corporations in the fediverse?

As social media will always reflect society in some way, I would expect them to be part of some instance eventually. I can imagine use cases where having their helpdesk teams or money here would be useful, even.

re: meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@stonehead I've explained the reasons a bit more here:

And more fundamentally, fedi doesn't need to "reflect society" at all, it's a community platform run by volunteers for their own community building and social lives. There are entire swathes of society that we'd much rather not have here at all.

The whole "must reflect society" thing is basically just Twitter's "global town square" thing, but that doesn't apply here

re: meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@joepie91 I didn't say "must reflect" but "will reflect society". Mastodon is open source, is there anything which keeps companies from using it? And apparently Hachyderm sees possibilities - in some ways it's laudible that they at least pose conditions for companies. But this is all new to me, I think every instance will have their own considerations.

re: meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@stonehead It's certainly possible for them to use the tech, it is open after all. But that doesn't mean that they will be accepted as part of the existing community, which is what the defederation part is about.

re: meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@joepie91 just ended up on their defed list for "Violation", whatever that means, after i announced that we would defederate from them in a week if they dont adjust their policies and to give users following us from there time to move

re: meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@kitten I mean, in fairness, you are decidedly not corporation-friendly :p

re: meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@joepie91 absolutely not, but the fact that posting about planning on defederating from them is enough to end up on their very very short defed list, starred out on top of that, is very interesting to me lol

meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@joepie91 « In the Hachyderm community you will find strong capitalists and even anti-capitalists. We expect you to consider these different perspectives while creating content on Hachyderm. »


re: meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@stragu Gee that sure sounds very, what's the word, centrist

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