meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

Heads-up for any folks on I would recommend picking a different instance, as it seems likely that it'll get defederated from quite a few places at some point.

They seem to not only be happy with corporate accounts[1], but also apparently seek to "introduce trust with corporations" [and draw them to fedi?], which uhhhh yeah no.

This is a space for people, not for corporations. Let's not repeat the errors of the FOSS community (that eventually led to near-total corporate capture of FOSS) by inviting corporations into our spaces, not even "as long as they play nice".


meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@joepie91 « In the Hachyderm community you will find strong capitalists and even anti-capitalists. We expect you to consider these different perspectives while creating content on Hachyderm. »



re: meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@stragu Gee that sure sounds very, what's the word, centrist

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