meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

Heads-up for any folks on I would recommend picking a different instance, as it seems likely that it'll get defederated from quite a few places at some point.

They seem to not only be happy with corporate accounts[1], but also apparently seek to "introduce trust with corporations" [and draw them to fedi?], which uhhhh yeah no.

This is a space for people, not for corporations. Let's not repeat the errors of the FOSS community (that eventually led to near-total corporate capture of FOSS) by inviting corporations into our spaces, not even "as long as they play nice".


re: meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@joepie91 just ended up on their defed list for "Violation", whatever that means, after i announced that we would defederate from them in a week if they dont adjust their policies and to give users following us from there time to move

re: meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@kitten I mean, in fairness, you are decidedly not corporation-friendly :p

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re: meta, hachyderm, corporate capture 

@joepie91 absolutely not, but the fact that posting about planning on defederating from them is enough to end up on their very very short defed list, starred out on top of that, is very interesting to me lol
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