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Repurposing Chromebooks: a general method.

A bit more than a year and a half ago, I bought around 10 cheap Chromebooks to better understand how they can be turned back into regular PCs. Here are the notes I took. I just wanted to remember the overall idea and not a detailed list of step-by-step instructions, as it differs from each model. Basically, I just quickly documented the installation pattern, so I can do it again next time, or teach others to do it.

Maybe this can be useful for others, who are looking for a rough TL;DR process, or are contemplating the idea to do the same and would like an overview of the different main steps.

#chromebook #chromeos #laptop #permacomputing #google #linux #coreboot

@aynish was tempted to recommend looking at some of my projects to get a vanilla js boilerplate if you are interested... until I remembered how jank they were, evolved from a codebase that predates `fetch` , etc etc

@aynish react is fine, if you want to be snobby you could write it from scratch / vanilla js. But honestly as close to "default settings" react as you can get might be the easiest to get started with. For local first you just need serviceworker to cache the static assets (not sure how to set this up but hopefully there's just a switch to flip) and localstorage or indexeddb to store the data

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this is a Nazca ceramic vessel from the ica region of Peru made anywhere between 200 bce and 600 ce but don't you feel like you could log on to any website today and see this face as someone's avatar. pre-Columbian rantsona


What does ESR stand for ? Extended Support Release?

I think the "permacomputing movement" might be what you're looking for? But its still in its infancy.

Ultimately I don't think FSF matters, FSF is not useful, it doesn't really do anything. But Gnu, as much as I love to hate it, is very useful and matters a lot.

I think if you want such a change to take place, (fsf deposed and their cultural position assumed by a new org) it will require the creation/growth of a new thing that's genuinely useful in the same way gnu was.

I guess I mean the ideology only matters as far as it influences the design of the software / system. I don't think it really matters that much with the license says or what the "foundation" claims to stand for

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The @internetarchive’s Wayback Machine resumed in a provisional, read-only manner.

Sorry, no Save Page Now yet.

Safe to resume but might need further maintenance, in which case it will be suspended again.

Please be gentle

More as it happens.

@creitve I realize maybe this is not the most helpful response considering you were asking for a guide.

Web server software typically enforces modern TLS and prevents you from using something that is 15-years-old-compatible because it has security issues that could be showstoppers for, IDK, money $$$ transactions or privacy concerns or something.

But for a personal site, no one cares, TLS is mostly window dressing, especially if you are trying to support 15 year old devices anyways.

So what web server software you use will be a very important decision. You are looking for a web server software that will allow you specify the allowed TLS versions, including versions that have been long since deprecated for security flaws.

This goes for both cloud software offerings and self-hosted webservers. Look into the documentation for the web server software and see if it allows you to specify the allowed TLS versions.

Besides that, you will probably target HTML 4, not HTML 5. There are plenty of resources for this, but like I said before, the most important thing would be to have such an "ancient" device, OS, and browser to test with. Cheers! 💚 💚

@creitve do you have a 15 year old device set up to test with ?

You will need:


And that's it I think? Mostly you just need a 2009 device and 2009 OS to test with.

I would worry about users "missing" each other and never being able to get a copy of whatever data from each other.

I would expect users would read silence as "this app doesn't work" or "no one likes me", not as.. *takes deep breath*...

> "oh, I must have missed that message because the senders client / senders friends clients were never connected at the same time as mine, and my client was never connected during the servers retention period after it was sent"

Ultimately I think the server retention period will have to be cranked really high to make the app usable and prevent missed messages.. And there's really no limit to "how high".

So at that point, the situation ends up looking rather silly, the server is going to be the primary data store whether we like it or not, simply because its the one that folks can connect to.

I've worked with p2p stuff quite a bit, mostly around the network connections part of it and I I feel obligated to issue a warning -- on the "Peer-to-peer architecture research" post, you said:

* it will be PWA ( it will be a web site )
* phone as primary data storage site

AFAIK this doesn't really work because:

* limited data capacity of browsers (unless app is text-only)
* extremely low availability/"reachability" of web browsers

IMO you should plan to store the data on a server as the primary storage site.

Ultimately I think this "no permanent storage on server" goal inevitably leads to either "each user has a backblaze account and uploads their e2e encrypted data to an object storage bucket"
"Each user runs their own server"

I think the issue of users not having data autonomy is easier to tackle as a social problem than as a technical problem. Even the best possible technical solutions still kinda need autonomous hosting.
Not to mention, I think the social solution just feels better anyways.

@hisaac ah nvm I thought you were talking about servers.

Yeah for macos VMs I'd use ansible or just shell with -e and -x set

@hisaac ansible is ok, but its slow, clunky, can be hard to debug, and since its written in yaml, prone to yaml syntax related bugs.

I think in terms of ease of use, its hard to beat docker / docker-compose for config management as long as your apps can be configured with environment variables.

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My house isn’t messy, it’s just sorted by Date Last Modified

@notplants @decentral1se @j12i

Ideally you could delay calling `event.preventDefault();` until after you know that the quick-nav was successful. But due to the async nature of the cache and fetch mechanic, i don't think thats possible.

@notplants @decentral1se @j12i

Might wanna do the same thing on line 81 as an `else` statement for `if (newMainContent) {`, to handle all cases.

Really don't wanna get into a situation where user clicks a link and nothing happens.

@notplants @decentral1se @j12i

Very cool tbh 👀

line 84 (error handler) should probably do something to emulate clicking on the link and having it navigate normally. Because otherwise a missing cache entry on-click will result in a silent failure for the user.

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The guy in front of me on Caltrain works at OpenAI and the fact that he’s spent the last ten minutes on Google writing queries with “” after them tells me everything I want to know about the state of this industry
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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.