Do permacomputing people have a guide for graceful degradation/progressive enhancement on steroids?

Looking to make a fancy personal website that could also work on 15+ y.o. devices and maybe in terminals.

@creitve do you have a 15 year old device set up to test with ?

You will need:


And that's it I think? Mostly you just need a 2009 device and 2009 OS to test with.


@creitve I realize maybe this is not the most helpful response considering you were asking for a guide.

Web server software typically enforces modern TLS and prevents you from using something that is 15-years-old-compatible because it has security issues that could be showstoppers for, IDK, money $$$ transactions or privacy concerns or something.

But for a personal site, no one cares, TLS is mostly window dressing, especially if you are trying to support 15 year old devices anyways.

So what web server software you use will be a very important decision. You are looking for a web server software that will allow you specify the allowed TLS versions, including versions that have been long since deprecated for security flaws.

This goes for both cloud software offerings and self-hosted webservers. Look into the documentation for the web server software and see if it allows you to specify the allowed TLS versions.

Besides that, you will probably target HTML 4, not HTML 5. There are plenty of resources for this, but like I said before, the most important thing would be to have such an "ancient" device, OS, and browser to test with. Cheers! 💚 💚

@forestjohnson Thanks a lot, plenty of food for thought. Perhaps I'll go with latest TLS that is possible to install on those devices with decent user experience, rather than it is popular to use.

My aim is to recreate the richest pure js experience after Flash that was possible with HTML 4, with as little compromise as possible. Thanks again!

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