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this is my kid, millisecondsSinceUnixEpoch. He's a real straight-forward lad

@f0x It might be illuminating to collect a metric for "cache misses caused by previous cache evictions". You would just have to store the cache keys for longer than the actual cache entries, or something.

@f0x 90% load reduction sounds a lot cooler than 26.4% load reduction. Gotta look on the bright side lol 😀

@f0x ok I think get it, so there are two different kinds of cache-misses, the ones where it has to talk to your synapse (content that was posted on your server) aka "synapse" in your grafana dashboard.

Then there are the ones where it has to talk to other matrix servers (i'm assuming those are the ones labeled "remote" in your grafana dashboard).

So it looks like most of the time it's talking to remote servers, not yours -- "synapse" is only like 10% of requests. Isn't that a big win then? 90% bandwidth load reduction for the synapse server?

@f0x FWIW this question is based on an almost-zero understanding of how matrix works lol.

@f0x Do you think the cache hit rate is low because the majority of requests are for never-before-seen content? or because of something else ?

Does the proxy shield your synapse from having to go and fetch thumbnails or images from other servers? i.e. the proxy "federates" with the other servers directly?

I already read the ReadMe and I was slightly confused, I think adding a diagram or definitions of the terms you are using would help.

This is what happens when I let myself work on whatever I want for fun:

Better Portable Graphics (BPG) on the web with WebAssembly (WASM) and ServiceWorker

@gabek thats an unpopular opinion ? I always thought that ppl "tolerated" irc the same way everyone tolerates email -- its obviously not ideal but the friction is so great that ppl just hold their nose -- I just assumed that any sort of "extraordinary" needs, like for privacy, resilience, ownership, etc were being addressed by simply looking outside of the "default" irc server. seems reasonable to me

For fun hacking stream making a social sharing web app to use for demos.
Music today: 🐌🏡 Snail's House ✨💨

garden products food pics 

first garden harvest of the season, arroooooooogula and radishes


uxbrain tip: even if you think your API requests wont take long, they eventually will for someone somewhere.

streaming some debugging and development today. music: 🐌🏡 Snail's House ✨💨

I have been trying to make a recognizable emoji representation of each one of my services for the readme file & the last log line after startup.

I was looking for one for Threshold ( but unfortunately there are no reliable emojis depicting walls, open doors, fences, open gates, or anything similar to that besides the ⛩️ shinto shrine emoji.

I read a little bit about ⛩️ on wikipedia and it seems like a conceptual fit for threshold in theory, but I don't really know much about shintoism and I'm not involved with it so I opted against using it.

So I settled on this instead, and I like it.


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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.