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You know what, I'm realizing that maybe the correct implementation for a fedi client has **a freakin <em>URL BAR</em>** at the top o' the page like its its own browser

@fack BTW how much ram does it use? Honestly considering running my own until gotosocial + UI options are looking better.

@fack I'm sure there's a way to do this.. I'm assuming you cant just shell in and slap your own theme file in there? Does fly let you run your own container? Maybe you can do a quick docker build with the container you use now in the FROM line and then just COPY or RUN whatever you need to get the custom CSS installed . The instance I am on puts a big ugly red CSS border around all non-alt-text'ed images on timelines. I really like that feature, I think it's something more instances / web apps should do.

It looks like there is a small guide on it posted by feditips here:

And the direct link to the css Gist on GitHub:

I created an account for my dogs to try out pixelfed: @fedipugs

So far its been a bit rough (no video support, hyperlinks get broken 🪦)

But if you like cute pet pictures maybe it could be worth a follow, I'll try to post when I can and occasionally maybe repost older stuff from the instagram that my partner made in the past.

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Ok, tinygo is definitely not stable enough for this, moving on to trying rust instead 👀

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Streaming again, getting to work on running FiloSottile/age to run in the web browsa (compile golang to WASM with tinygo compiler)

music rn: 🎸🎺 Less Than Jake 🧨🍺


> **USABILITY: init db before configuration is completed causes silent failures / broken instance #20820 **


IMO this is usability bug in mastodon or in the specific mastodon docker container you are using. A configuration issue of this magnitude should trigger massive highly visible error messages, it should trigger the app failing to start.

Forest boosted

Querying the db showed:

# SELECT username FROM accounts WHERE id=-99;


Which corresponded with the value in the curl
"preferredUsername": "localhost:3000",

So a quick fix was to connect to psql and run the following update: UPDATE accounts SET username = '' WHERE id=-99;

Now I can toot at my friends over on!

Hopefully I didn't burn too many of your CPU cycles @f0x and @forestjohnson thanks!

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.