
You know what, I'm realizing that maybe the correct implementation for a fedi client has **a freakin <em>URL BAR</em>** at the top o' the page like its its own browser

@forestjohnson man stop deleting your toots, we're civilized people with an edit button here.

but to actually say what i wanted to say for the last 3 drafts: the best client across all platforms is the default webui imo

@forestjohnson the webui is a pwa on mobile, which is nice

Yeah I am realizing that over time, also that paste-url-into-search-field is a core usage pattern for fedi

1. make the "link to post" (which is currently a bit too hidden as an un-indicated hyperlink under the timestamp ) more prominent

2. expand the search bar to cover the whole top of the page, perhaps even make the current URL show there by default... ? IDK maybe this is too much... But its gotta be a better solution than that awful "type in your full handle in order to take this action" popup window

@forestjohnson i've heard this from others too (mainly new twitter converts?) but it's not a pattern i recognize from my own long-time fedi usage, interestingly. I do the (url) search thing *sometimes*, but definitely not often

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