Nice typography video on the design details for Atkinson Hyperlegible, the Braille Institute's accessibility font
trying to stream more today
✨🌊 She Music 🎛👩🏻🎤
I don't really "know anything" about it. I have come across it before while I was doing research on all the different kinds of projects like this. (I was mostly trying to learn about "decentralized cloud" stuff like maidsafe, IPFS, storj, filecoin, etc)
Solid appears to be a sort of "firebase" style of product that's open source and self-host-able? It also appears to be related to the "web-native linked data" RDF (resource description framework) efforts of the past. The idea was you could make a sort of graph database out of URLs & Subject, Predicate, Object "Triples". I think this design pattern was actually intended to be used for public data, in order to make the web searchable not just with google, but with a "native" SQL-like query language. So your web browser could run a query to return "friends of my friends who are not my friends" on its own, no web application required.
However, I don't think that idea ever really got a network effect, so it never took off, probably for both technical and Big Business $$$greed$$$ related reasons.
If I was designing something like Solid today, where it would do a bunch of architechture breaking changes to how web applications work, I would bet big on end-to-end encryption rather than betting big on RDF, linked data type stuff.
I think users actually want end-to-end encryption and there aren't a ton of great ready-to-use components that enable it in a meaningful way. With Safari web browser being shackled w/ limited storage APIs so apple can make more money on the app store, there is a need for web apps to store data thats only readable by the client, but it doesn't all have to be on the clients device.
End-to-end encrypted DB indexes and full-text-search databases spring to mind. That's something the world could really benefit from, but it does not really exist yet. Think searchable DMs in matrix web app, and searchable encrypted emails in ProtonMail web app.
more struggle bus stream
music today: 🔥💀 AFI
@shadowfacts Especially because when I search the internet for "tusker app" I find someone else's app :(
Had to carefully navigate to your gitea instance to find yours:
"Tusker is a WIP iOS app for Mastodon and Pleroma."
@shadowfacts What is tusker? I know I can just look it up, but it might be a good idea to give some context on a post like this
first greenhouse dev stream in months 😬 🙃
@f0x i always just used sharpkeys for keyboard mapping on windows, its way better than whatever it sounds like you are dealing with. Its open source and while it still does require a reboot to take effect, log out / log in again works too
built my proof of work captcha into gitea's signup flow:
@f0x I got mine working too :3 If you want to use it I could shoot you an API token, but considering my uptime track record you may wanna host it yourself ;P
@f0x Muchas Gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion???
@f0x poggerrrrrrrrrrrrs !!! (as the kids would say ) XD
found the culprit:
curl '' -H 'Referer:'
is taking over 100 seconds to respond right now... reminds me of systems at my old job 🙃
my ublock origin is taking out google tag manager and a couple other requests on that page... I did try it with ublock turned off, and it was still broken..
Whoah, apparently if you sit on the page for 30 seconds or so, it will eventually load??
Maybe they have rate limited the "free version" of the docs.
LOL -- I have long been suspicious that caddy's documentation is intentionally terrible and impossible to use in order to funnel more money into their premium support.
Now their documentation is completely gone:
😂 I find this hilarious, even though I know its probably just a mistake
You are getting spam signup requests from real people? How do you know it's real people and not bots, if you don't mind me asking? I used to have open signup on my old gogs instance and I got hundreds of signups, but none of those users ever did anything. I think they were all bots as far as I could tell.
I was hoping to make a works-without-login version of gitea one day, and I was hoping I wouldn't have to deal with moderation at least for a while (until the gitea server gets much more popular) because the PoW Captcha ( would filter out the bots, and right now I don't think anyone cares about my git server, let alone knows that it exists 😞
I just submitted my User Operated Internet grant application to NLNet for Greenhouse 🤞🤞 With any luck I can even offer good money to developers interested in helping out soon.
I am a web technologist who is interested in supporting and building enjoyable ways for individuals, organizations, and communities to set up and maintain their own server infrastructure, including the hardware part.
I am currently working full time as an SRE 😫, but I am also heavily involved with Cyberia Computer Club and Layer Zero