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I got my new Greenhouse desktop application working this week; it can publish a local listening port or a folder full of files to the internet via the greenhouse cloud service. Check out the screencasts I posted on my blog!

@aral I have read all I could about your small-web project, so I understand the motivation behind it, I was just curious about the technical details. From what you said, it sounds like each small-web user gets their own hetzner VM? so that would mean they have to pay for it too. When I said multi-tenant I meant like, are you planning on cramming multiple users onto the same VM to save your users $$ and offer a cheaper product. Maybe with some sort of linux containerization so they can't step on each-other.

> Would love to learn more about what you’re working on too if it’s free/open :)

Yeah I am licensing it under GPLv3 / AGPL & it has goals extremely similar to your small-web / small-tech projects.

I actually sent you and Laura a big long email explaining my project & included a bunch of heart-eyes emojis in it a few weeks ago after I first stumbled upon your web presence.

But for convenience here's a link to a post I made describing the project:

Last month I posted about my progress developing my new cloud provider, greenhouse.

I'm looking forward to posting an update for the month of May as soon as I get home! I did a demo yesterday where I was able to get a reverse-proxy and static file server online simply by clicking around in the Greenhouse desktop application :)

@aral nice! Do you mind if I ask how basil works? I checked out the ReadMe, but the architecture wasn't immediately clear to me. Is it just a single account / usability layer on top of DNSSimple and Hetzner? Does a Basil user get their own Hetzner VM or is it multi-tenant on the same VM?

I'm working on a similar project so I'm just curious what you are doing and what's your reasoning behind the way its structured.


Why do you need a Data Processing Agreement with your DNS provider? Is it required to make your service comply with GDPR or something ?

@gabek hey, do you have a link to that owncast webhook stuff you were talking about ? I was looking for it on github and I can't find it.

One of the biggest problems I have with my current polling-based approach ( when I get the list of current viewers, the JSON object for each viewer doesn't have their name (the name it displays in the top right) until they send their first chat message.

Can you think of a way to get that username right away when someone joins, or would it require changes to owncast ? more ingress controller stream today


I just had an idea when I woke up this morning, I was thinking about how owncast can be configured to upload the HLS segments to object storage. What if the entire app, including all of the user facing static content & user facing api responses could be uploaded too? Then the only thing missing would be the chat, and I know there would be ways to fix that.

Another idea I had was what if owncast could be run in "frontend" and "backend" mode, when its run in frontend mode its just a static file server + the chat, when its run in "backend mode" it's just encoding HLS segments and uploading them to the frontend.


f0x: its so cuute!

@gabek Yeah bundling is the only way to optimize for http/1.1

@gabek according to caniuse this browser feature is on 92% of all clients today:

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@gabek Hey I did some 1st impression load time tests with owncast frontend app, testing pre-loading the JS modules via <script type="module" src="..."> tags. The 1st test with HTTP/1.1 took about 10 seconds regardless of whether the script tags were there or not:

But watch what happens when you turn on HTTP/2:


Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.