w00t! 🎉 First successful small web server set up using Basil (from the admin panel) :)

(It’s still nowhere near ready for use but this is a nice little milestone.)

#SmallTech #SmallWeb #Basil

@aral nice! Do you mind if I ask how basil works? I checked out the ReadMe, but the architecture wasn't immediately clear to me. Is it just a single account / usability layer on top of DNSSimple and Hetzner? Does a Basil user get their own Hetzner VM or is it multi-tenant on the same VM?

I'm working on a similar project so I'm just curious what you are doing and what's your reasoning behind the way its structured.

@forestjohnson I guess you could install anything with it but it’s meant for single-tenant web apps… specifically what we’re working on with Small Web. This should shed some light: ar.al/2020/08/07/what-is-the-s

Would love to learn more about what you’re working on too if it’s free/open :)


@aral I have read all I could about your small-web project, so I understand the motivation behind it, I was just curious about the technical details. From what you said, it sounds like each small-web user gets their own hetzner VM? so that would mean they have to pay for it too. When I said multi-tenant I meant like, are you planning on cramming multiple users onto the same VM to save your users $$ and offer a cheaper product. Maybe with some sort of linux containerization so they can't step on each-other.

> Would love to learn more about what you’re working on too if it’s free/open :)

Yeah I am licensing it under GPLv3 / AGPL & it has goals extremely similar to your small-web / small-tech projects.

I actually sent you and Laura a big long email explaining my project & included a bunch of heart-eyes emojis in it a few weeks ago after I first stumbled upon your web presence.

But for convenience here's a link to a post I made describing the project: sequentialread.com/the-pragmat

@forestjohnson Ah, yes, sorry, I’ve been meaning to get back to you on that (the ones I want to write proper responses to are usually the ones I procrastinate on).

It’s one person per VM and yes, initially at least, folks will have to pay. But I don’t see municipalities, etc., shouldn’t in the future.

Will aim to repond properly to your email this week.

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