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KIRK: Set phasers to stunning.

SPOCK: You mean stun, sir.

KIRK: *already backlit and shirtless* No Mr Spock. @aurynn @maegul

if it's possible, someone *will* do it, eh? Nah, I reject that.

I think your point was to say "it is difficult or impossible to entirely prevent on a technical level", and I totally agree there.

But, man, there are so many basic fuckin' accessibility projects that haven't "just magically happened" because they're possible. Things get built because people care enough to build them. It's hard to look at what you said and not be bitter as fuck, and this is as someone who spends time building accessibility tools, but wanting more.

Being toxic to toxic developers saps the 'caring' out of their project and drains their energy, which usually shuts them down. It isn't a 100% solution, but it's pretty dang effective and requires no changes to code.

how the fuck is this Bring Me To Life techno remix actually so good

nice, away from home long enough today that my AQC CO2 sensor could callibrate

re: pleroma racism 

ah yes

>MRF polices are much more flexible in what you can do with filters. For example, you could count the occurances of a word, or modify the word to be censored le ts. It opens the door to more specialsed moderation strategies and also enables cool stuff.

i was so fucking right

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pleroma racism 

my first thought with pleroma MRF is the "i filter the posts where my mutuals use the n-word so i'm not racist actually" users

I did 5 seconds of research on the person requesting MRF functionality in GoToSocial and I wasn't wrong

why are they always Like This

techbro: I'm gonna write code to take advantage of all this juicy Mastodon data!
Techbro, shortly later: wow the Mastodon people are really unpleasant to people who take advantage of all that data, and that makes me sad and now I won't make tools that unethically take advantage of all the data

Me: System working as designed.

what's the meta for server ssds rn? i want an ssd for a machine i wanna stand up and i would like it to last, preferably,,


im especially cynical lately but also there's just a lot to be cynical about


Time to mute the tech company dudebro who built a proprietary Mastodon browser extension and *somehow* got boosted onto my feed

the fruit juice: "never ever from concentrate"

yeah me neither i have adhd

GoToSocial: is it bad? Many fedizens are finding that the answer is 'yes'

In response to mounting consternation, GtS developers release a brief press statement: 'told you so'

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computers can be painful, sure. but computer users are so much worse (me included)

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.