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aa putting the drawing tablet out already helped, because I don't have enough mouse space to get distracted by playing video games

im going to try think out the whole migration beforehand, and chop it up in many little pieces, so I can slowly work through them when I have a spoon

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ohh and it's very convenient Hetzner released their changes to IP addresses, because now I should be able to move those over transparently (Matrix <> IRC bridge server has ip based exceptions)

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once i clean out luna I can use that vps to stage the replacement server for helios

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oh do have to migrate the writefreely instance, @thufie actually uses that

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ah, it still runs the Mumble server... even though the domain hasn't pointed to that server in months now

and nobody missed the Mumble server either, afaik

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i have to double-check but I think that was the only thing luna was even still used for lol, so unnecessary

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imo the more u refresh the pakige tracking site the faster ur pakige should get delivered

terra (legacy server, mastodon) now proxies outgoing traffic through aura instead of luna (even more legacy)

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think im finally going to sunset 3 servers, and move some things around to improve the infra

rare insults 

enjoy this delightful visualization

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trying out a standing desk type deal and it seems like it might be nice, but also a lot of effort to do this properly

fuck i ran out of the nice comfy energy drinks and didn't get new ones when they were 50% off last week


how can i do more freelance work if i don't even have the spoons to make a decent website/portfolio

So I went to Pride in Amsterdam and I have to say it was pretty disappointing to see less trans flags than I saw at MCH2022 (also there were cops)

Hey everyone, we’ve been playing around with markdown formatting and lightbox images in the GoToSocial laboratories this week.

Behold, the fruit of our labors! Below is an extract about sloths, formatted as a block quote thanks to the new Markdown functionality:

Sloths are so named because of their very low metabolism and deliberate movements. Sloth, related to slow, literally means “laziness,” and their common names in several other languages (e.g. French paresseux) also mean “lazy” or similar. Their slowness permits their low-energy diet of leaves and avoids detection by predatory hawks and cats that hunt by sight.

Wikipedia article about sloths

There are a couple pictures of sloths attached to this post as well.

If you’re reading this post from vanilla/non-Glitchsoc Mastodon, you won’t be able to see all the nice formatting, so please open this post in the browser to get the full effect :) And don’t forget to tap the images to check out the lightbox photo viewer!

libs loved walter white because he did the same thing they aspire to do, drive away and ruin their families and do absolutely nothing to change the greater system they said they were so against and trying to change.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.