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thinking of making these stickers too, I think @haskal will appreciate :P

fuck my vim plugin suddenly just broke?? now my editor is useless (first person to recommend emacs gets a block)

@velexiraptor I like the idea of Tranta Claus bringing this stuff to trans kids who haven’t realized yet, their parents in a harry-potter-ep-1-esque terror at the pill bottles and dresses flying down the chimney every year; after a few years, the kid figuring it out and living their right puberty the first time through, :blobcatsadreach:

aa I need a name for my new server, possibly related to the Cthulhu mythos (reason why will become apparent soon(tm))
R'lyeh woulda been cool but doesn't work for a hostname

One of my goose stickers was put to good use over at the Hackalot hackerspace :P

fucking hell domain names are a scam I saw on on @domainhacker but there's only 4 registers that sell .sm and it starts at 140$ a year

and here's my new lamp, which I'll probably convert to RGB, or even RGB + warm white, cold white, amber, for the ultimate range of colours and temperatures

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turns out im a fuckin psychic I visualized my package i was expecting from China real hard and it arrived today

I wonder how well cats understand locks and keys.
Like sometimes I can just open the door and let you out, other times I first have to find the rinkely piece of metal, sometimes I just can't let you out

like.. I need to install multiple things for Duck Game, and there's wizards with buttons I need to press for them to continue aaaa

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having to install .NET and other shit through Proton/Wine always makes me realize how good us linux users have it with normal package management

weeks start on a

dogs are collectivists, cats are individualists

dentist, anesthetic, ~ 

got some spots on my teeth filled, went alright. the anasthetic kind of creeped up to my nose so that feels weird, and it's very hard to drink coffee like this lol

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.