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I made a nicer version of the earth wallpaper script I had a long time ago.
It'll use the compressed 800x800 feed, and turn it into a 1920x1080 wallpaper without watermark

and hosted version at

For all the responses this got:
No matter your sleeping habits or ""productivity"" levels: YOU ARE VALID

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Hi, I need 2-3 people to read through a medium post in the next hour or so.

You will receive credit for helping edit it as per how Medium works with that stuff \o/

whoaa I just discovered that taking a window-screenshot (with maim) of an application with transparency (alacritty) actually preserves that transparency in the screenshot

Ever misspell ACAB as ACBA? It's actually what you ment to say:
All Cops Bring Agony

I really hate how society has infected my mind to believe you can only be productive if you wake up early. Most days now I won't be up till 1400, and I feel those thoughts really break my already brittle discipline

wtf how have I never thought about editing a quadcopter video to Sweater Weather brb flying some footage

Useful tip for Fediverse instance admins, gab 

Gab actually uses a custom user agent to grab stuff.

Mastodon does the same, but this makes it easy to make sure gab instances can't pull from you!

if ($http_user_agent ~* (gabsocial)) {
return 403;

To your nginx configuration. That blocks all requests with a user agent that includes "gabsocial" (case insensitive)

You can also add other user agents, at your leisure

It just returns a 403 if they try to pull

The Gatsby image loading is super cool, here's a demo with network tool's "Good 2G connections" throttling setting

{cyber, solar}punk have such issues because people only look at the aesthetics...

whoa I just explained copyleft to someome in a fucking snapchat group and they were quite receptive

aaa Dehydrated is sooo much nicer to use than certbot. Had to renew today, and it *just worked*
Certbot was always a pain and kept breaking on random domains

Migrated to Gatsby, and actually deployed at
Just need to work more on the content when I feel more awake :P

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.