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oof i almost forgot dnd night :))) but it's online dnd night again :))))


you've heard about "My Drunk Kitchen" but what about My Drunk Hardwarelab

i think im pretty good on track boosting the flote feline every day, i hope it still cheers people up

so if either the liveusb or the new install (nixos, which is still new to me, and im doing a very complex setup with zfs and full disk encryption) don't connect to the internet with ssh open there's nothing i can see nor debug

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as there is no gpu and no built-in graphics on the cpu there is no output *whatsoever*

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man fully headless systems are definitely An Experience

cosmos booted fully headless from the nixos usb with ssh \o/

looking at nice cable management: ooh sexy
doing cable management: aaaaaaaaa

music self-promo, boosts encouraged 

This guitar ain't dead. The War on Cis gets released March 31. Cut material and demos will be posted here as soon as my voice is back.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.