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for fucks sake this is a bad moment for my desktop to suddenly flake out

hella caffeïnated

time to get shit done and/or stare at the wall blankly

Horseshoe Theory but it's about whether or not I'm going to throw a horseshoe against your head if you talk centrist nonsense

memetic hazard ben shapiro 

fucking can't stop hearing ben sharpie's voice whenever the text is even remotely similar to his excrements aaaaaa

: this incredible live performance by ZHU

ZHU presents Coral.PINK (Virtual Lollapalooza 2020)

I just heard my new favorite palindrome:

"Do geese see God?" :goose_caesar:

instance block recommendation 

A single lonely nazi on - posts links to the Daily Stormer, feels obliged to pop into my mentions for some reason.


haskal: it fucken WIMDY

english snobs, i guess: actually haskal,,, you can't say that you see it's actually "It's fucking windy." have a nice day :)))

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asimov: i made three rules and now here's an entire book of reasons they don't work because life is nuanced and complicated and and has to be handled with a flexible, compassionate approach

every white tech guy: haha cool ethos

overthinking is what i do, might as well do media analysis with it :')

i'm retiring an older collaborative project that never quite got off the ground... BUT in doing so we're releasing the tiles we drew for it into the creative commons. 281 free, hand-drawn isometric tiles, to use in your projects:

Why I didn't hear the pterodactyl in the toilet stall next to mine? because the pee is silent. haha. fuck this. I hate myself. why did i do this

going live, stream self promo 

speedrun minecraft ! ! !go fast with the blocks !!

something about sunrise is so much more aesthetic than sunset too tbh

sunsets i hardly notice but sunrises start cool and then end warm mmmmmm

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on mornings i dont work, i really love being up during sunrise and chilling in low lighting like this


for fucks saaake why is there *ALWAYS* someone sawing/sanding/drilling in this fucking neighbourhood

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