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"science will lose its moral highground if they go into politics"


ffs zoom did *something* and now there's this ghost window artefact that appears on all workspaces....

and also can't (x)kill it because it doesn't get focus..

aahhh so nice, the Noisia goobye tour I have a ticket for was postponed again :D

original date was 04-04-2020, then moved to 16-10-2020 and now 03-04-2021

Would've sucked to miss it this october because i don't think it's safe yet

Pro Tip: Before you request to follow a locked user, read their bio. :thinka:

gods at least i skimmed the whole thing (without learning anything new)

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they have the fucking audacity to talk about the accessibility of phrasing???!?!?!??!?!?
bruh maybe read your own fucking article

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how the FUCK can you write something like this and not realize "hmm, maybe i don't need all this useless shit filler in my article about accessibility"

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ironically, and also what makes this the worst is


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ahhh uni recommended this text and it's the worst, literally the most convoluted ""academic"" piece of shit i've ever read

like.. i need quick straight strokes, and my sweaty hands get too much friction

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i wish there was like an unflavored coffee you could drink at room temperature that made you less thirsty

the rock industry is counting it's lucky stars that i don't drink more coffee otherwise i'd be like this every day

oof someone in the hackerspace irc talked about his brownies and i fully just read bronies

ok, sent in the RMA application for my GPU, sent an email to the course coordinator that i wont be on campus tomorrow (covid symptoms :/). Time to do some actual homework, namely some product analysis assignment and more drawings

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