
staring at blank monitors
because nothing will be more interesting

@f0x this is why I use only a window manager, with no desktop system nor icons.

Perhaps I also have issues with attention when it comes to visual overstimulation.

@doubleDensity i do quite like my systems to be minimal, bspwm with a custom bar (no tray!)

my other mood though is holding super+tab and just seeing windows flash by too fast to actually perceive, thanks brain

@f0x I've been using openbox with tint2 for about seven years now, I'm just too stubborn to give up on all of my little configurations.

Some day, I will have to move on from gtk2 land.

@doubleDensity i got to a state where most my utility scripts, bar, etc aren't too tightly coupled to the WM, so they adapted well going from i3, to dwm, to herbstluftwm and now bspwm

perhaps one of these days i'll check out one of the wayland tilers again but eh

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