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read Angela Davis' "Are Prisons Obsolete". if you're not for prison abolition idk why you're even on this site, but reading her work *also* lets you defend it better when you're telling your relatives to support prison abolition so you don't just end up capitulating to milquetoast liberal reform. it's 100-odd pages and eminently more readable than anything written by a continental white philosopher dude.

staring at blank monitors
because nothing will be more interesting


my cheesy sticks were mushy, my ice coffee not that cold

good start of my day!

(it's my own fault for leaving them in backpack for 2 days)

how the fuck is sunday almost over already again

PSA: moleskines are bullshit btw, they make a big deal but the paper is garbage. for the same price you can get a rhodia with clairefontaine paper that's smooth as silk, or if you like a spiral binding, maruman makes A5s with really beautiful paper that cost like a third of what a moleskine will run you

non-vegan food 

:bing: does putting mozarella on your wrap make it fusion cooking

what the FUCK is up with today
3rd occurance of someone else saying what i was just about to, stop reading my mind please


I'm wirehead, a member of a plural system of about 17 people. We are a queer anarchist system and interested in disability rights and mental health activism. My pronouns are they/them.

Apart from that, I'm pretty much a nerd. My/our body is severely disabled and in chronic pain. We're part of the crew. Also all of us are neurodivergent.

It's nice to meet you.

hence, futches good, if the idea of futch as a descriptor makes you angry then ask yourself why you're directing your anger at the "cheapening" of butch/femme culture at other queers than at the capitalist pressures that have ransacked our identities and driven our places of origin and where we practice our selfhood out of business

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weird how i can increase my heartbeat by perceiving it

ever think how much easier things would be without a conscience

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