i'm on debian now because linux distros keep betraying me

opensuse loves just kinda forgetting important packages in newer releases
had to meet a deadline yesterday and there was simply no good way to get texlive

@pastelpunkbandit suse loves to do a bunch of weird stuff tbh (like filling disk with kernels or backups), I'm not looking back

@charlag i like suse as an idea but im not so sure about the execution

@pastelpunkbandit exactly!
tbh I've found Fedora a bit more transparent, incl. governance (at least on paper)

@charlag yeaahhh i also thought abt using fedore bc rpm is kinda nice,,,, but like sometimes things really expect u to have an apt based thing
like idk i bought aseprite at some point but they only give u a .deb stuff like that

n also debian has a better vibe than fedora imo

@pastelpunkbandit yeah I totally get it, I had it few years ago, these days w/ Flatpak (or in the worst case, containers) it's better.

I think debian is nice and has good governance but I really can't use 5+ years old stuff. They also had problems shipping non-vulnerable browsers lately...


@charlag @pastelpunkbandit that's why i used to use Debian Sid, so you so get pretty up to date packages. Now it's all NixOS tho :D

@f0x @pastelpunkbandit is it testing? I think testing isn't covered by security updates or smh?

idk, I remember none of that working for me

@charlag @pastelpunkbandit it's unstable. From using it on my personal device and servers for quite a while it worked well though

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