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I just had to restore gitea's database from my nightly backups because buyvm's disk migration corrupted postgres

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calling the commands umount instead of uNmount fuckin sucks tbh


Soapbox paedo, admin's pretty fashy to boot. There's a shocker. /s



i want to get my new batch of burritos done (I already got the ingredients wednesday) but i have no energy aaaa


shit, I think this is the first wordle I lost

uhh and I just started a game but I think it crashed because I tabbed away

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lol quality software, the ae2 splash screen is 2 separate windows, one with the background and one with text... and they showed up on two different monitors

:blobhajshock: has them too now :3 :BlobhajPrideHeart:

not sure what the multiplayer situation is like but if I get a bit better it might be cool to play some fedi people?

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love that for some reason my desktop's disk throughput is so utterly fucked that just starting stream (and it immediately starting updates) is enough to freeze everything

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