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misinformation how is this misinformation

gf: don't say your wish out loud or it won't happen
me: well in that case, out loud: I wish we broke up. That way it won't happen :)

Hmmm, the enlightened centrist airballoon is very fitting actually, because to float they have hot air instead of brains


ahh bailey's is the best stuff. Rly enjoying some icecream with bailey's and choco puffs

@tastytea hmm maybe I will just go back to i3 after all these years

Which tiling window manager would you recommend that's flexible with different monitor setups?
I'm gonna be using 3 screens at home, but only my laptop while on the go. BSPWM is comfy, but kinda limited in multi-monitor support.
I was looking at awesome but not sure?

@kaniini another suggestion I saw floating around recently was batching notifications, so instead of a constant stream you only get them every x minutes/hours

@clayton they're good bullet points except that Telegram really shouldn't be called open source. It plays into their false advertising. Only some of their clients are open source, and they receive no community development. Backend is proprietary, even with vague promises of open sourcing for years

@dtluna from what I talked with her, she likes the 1.0 spec a lot more

@amy now that 1.0 was released, they're focusing much more on performance, still heavy to run but it's quite manageable imo nodejs, hard to say if a refactor would be best, or using one of the better matrix bridging frameworks that exist now

@amy yeah, altho it's slowly getting better with each release true, hopefully someone will refactor it to shiny goodness someday

@anarchiv the netherlands has the same pro in most muncipalities, so guess we're objectively better :thounking: did you have that recently? with stuff like the key backup, and soon(tm) cross-signing, multi-device e2e should be really seamless in Riot

btw I did this with the scissor tool in GNU IMP and it works quite nicely for tracing faces (and then pixelizinig

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I really like the blue, altho the washout has a tendency to stain uhh everything so that's kinda annoying

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